Sunday, March 2, 2025

Talk Audio – Where the Children Of The Cone Go

Hi Guys and hoping mid-August finds you chillin’ by the pool checking out TA on a PDA. Hey come to think of it, prove it and I’ll find you some swag! And I’ll putcha in the news! That’s a shot from somewhere preferably foreign, c/w device/laptop in shot with a Talk Audio screen showing! I will of course accept shots from inside net café scenarios too…
The Clarion APA4360 amp gets a go this week and I’ve also got the first samples of ready to go product from the new Lite Air range of Vibe speakers, as seen in Las Vegas at the CES. Made for those who hate the idea of carrying around an extra cannon ball’s worth of Ferrite magnets, they are made super shallow and with the cunning of Neodymium. This is a ‘Rare Earth’ element and makes a Ferrite magnet into a tiny but monstrously potent thing. Kind of a Ferrari of magnets. And as these are meant to be sold to such exotics, I wanted to see how good a fit they’d be.
I have a new chum, Ian Welch, who holds the world record for the biggest ever rod and line caught freshwater fish the Giant Freshwater Stingray. (Sturgeon migrate so are like Salmon and Eels and don’t count as purely freshwater) He drives a cute and slightly retro sporty two seater BMW Z3 rag top and a brand spanky new Land Rover Freelander 2 GS TD4 to get around fishy places with off roady tracks. Both are in need of some ice loving. The Z3 really needs sexyful door builds as that’s pretty much all the cubic there is in there and the Landy has a large OEM panel with an El Primitivo standard CD deck. There’s a cubby above it where the screen’d go if he’d ordered the extra four figure none-too-easy-to-update Land Rover navigation system. Thus he uses a stick on Tom Tom. I have him lined up for a double DIN, I just need to go thieve a panel and loom – sounds like a full frontal attack on Armour is needed as I am sure they’ll have both.
Were still very much in the throes of sorting out the year three Site Associates list and can assure you that the best and most important brands are going to be involved once more. Which reminds me, I have a JVC AVX77 to play with as well. But first there’s a Kenwood 8044.
So many toys……
Adam Rayner – Online Editor
This week’s strap line by Samuel Ellis