Friday, January 31, 2025
Car AudioNews

Talk Audio’s beloved Chris HarryBo Taylor 1984 – 2010

Chris Taylor was a rare soul who I was only privileged to meet a few times. He died on the 17th August at the far too young age of 26, suddenly, at home. He was one of Talk Audio’s founding members.

As an electronics journalist, I joined Talk Audio to run the magazine three years ago, at which time, Chris had been a crucial part of the Talk Audio milieu for many years since 2002, in which time he had made 32,854 posts on the forum . He helped me through my Nooby incompetence with the Forum.

His technical expertise as the ‘Most Technical’, who would be called upon for entire epic re-skinning of the whole Talk Audio site, or who would also be the one to go fix it when the man who started TA, (Mike “Guru” Organ) would break it from time to time, was only equalled by his affable and benign rule of reason as our top admin and wielder of the ‘Ban Hammer’ and all the lesser infraction penalties. That which keeps our community so strong and cohesive, a rule of reason and gentle humour that he has infused the entire Talk Audio Mod team with and whose unerring solidity became legendary as “The Fist Of Bo”. Not wishy-washy (and I have just seen another forum rot from the inside due to a lack of this sort of expertise over on another site – it’ll be closed soon) but definite and fair. A rare gift, especially when combined with the high technical expertise.

There are those who were close to Chris who have an irreparable rip in the fabric of their lives that will never heal from being robbed of one who shone such bright and intense light.

Known for his uproarious approach to play as well as work, the forum boards are alight with fond memories of good times had, heavy duty tech discussions and years and years of Talk Audio forum community life.

The world was richer for having him in it and those lives he touched the better for knowing him. And whether you have any faith or take Chris’ own more science-based stance on the hereafter, I know for a fact that Chris would rather we carry on playing nice and being kind to each other, in his memory and keep working to make our sound systems better quality.

It was true, we did all Love Him So.

Chris Taylor aka HarryBo 1984-2010