Friday, January 31, 2025

Talkaudio – Come For The Advice, Stay For The Community

Sadly, I didn’t get my visit from Atsu of Alpine Electronics last week as he had to fly to Japan due to a family crisis. Our thoughts are with him at a difficult time. I did have a good look at the Alpine SPG-17CS components though and have started work on a CDE-102Ri headunit, also from Alpine,  which has some serious connectivity. I’ve been playing CD, iPod and a 2GB flash drive full of WMA full-resolution files but the unit only seems to like Adele on WMA and not the others so far. I’m convinced it’s me or the Digital Rights Management issue at work and I still have stuff to learn about the mysteries of the world of 12V USB processing as it varies from one deck to another. So it’s still a work in progress.
Meanwhile, I could easily blame the “I was knackered all week after getting up at 4:45am for the BBC on Monday” for my egregious error in the Rockford Fosgate Power 600-2 amplifier review published last week but I won’t. (I said it was a Punch amp and put in that it was four channels, despite getting all the specs and other details right. Genuine too-fast-rate-of-output typo. I am so sorry!) Rather than a Personal Message and a discreet edit, themeltyman1337 posted a cheery thread about the possibility of my being sizzled at the time. Sorry, sozzled……
Orl Krect now!
Once again, it’s going to be a shortie week for me, as I am poncing off to go and take part in the Modified Nationals show in Peterborough at the East of England showground. There’s a BHP competition that I’ll be on the mic for, a set of nutters in Monster trucks called Swamp Thing and Slingshot and some real hardcore motorcycle hooligans who abuse their sponsored Kawasaki 600 Ninjas something rotten and do it with no leathers; just jeans and trainers so they are more flexible and can do stuff that simply defies ruddy belief! The competitions for our boys are the best ever with EMMA, dB Drag AND Propper Dropper street bass contests going on all at once. As far as I am aware, this is the first time EVER that three totally independent ice competition formats have ever been held all at once in one show.
And of course Talk Audio will be there with Ian ‘Iceman’ Pinder on our stand. So come and witness the now-legendary Hair Trick.
I can’t wait….
Adam Rayner – Online Editor
This week’s strap line by Amphetamine