Friday, January 31, 2025

TalkAudio – Serious Sound, Soul, and Style

The new line up of Clarion kit has some peaches in it and we have got a full rundown of the details. It is a bit of a biggie with the pics and some have yet to be grabbed from Clarion but with luck it’ll be up this week.
The data sheets I had did say ‘confidential’ on the front mind….
And talking of MiND (See what I did there?) I have found out a couple of further details. For one, the UK specification unit will have a television tuner in it, as after all, Clarion have been one of the foremost TV-on-the-move genuine multimedia suppliers from back when almost nobody could do it. And one other feature, which is entirely within existing tech but adds up to a Giant Leap.
I was taking part in Live ’94 with Car Stereo & Security magazine at Earls Court and was asked to do a seminar on “The Future”. I said that the infotainment devices of the future will be all touch screen. I said that they will all have some biofeedback and I said that discs as such, or indeed any storage medium at all will be seen as quaint as it’ll all be in huge drives or will arrive via the aether on demand.
Well it’s all happened.
Pulsetouch by Alpine gives you the biofeedback that you have pressed the virtual button without you having to see the display react and Clarion have all the rest in MiND.
A site known as the Clarion Portal will be a place to keep music. (I imagine you’d copy it from your main archive) Then you can stream it live or else use it from the EIGHT GB the wee box’ll have in it’s innards. So any need to carry discs is obviated – way, way past any number of Gigs you might keep in a ‘Pod or MiND’s guts. And all available streamed as you want it. Awesome.
Remember, you read it here first!
 Adam Rayner – Online Editor
This week’s strapline by DEVICES