Sunday, October 6, 2024
Car Audio

Target Blu Eye

I’ll be blunt, most miscreants will see this simply as a ‘˜Police Car Detector’. As such, there is a deep fuzzy morass for this product as the application is everything and the information clearly states the system turns all emergency vehicles into beacons as easy to spot as a candle in a cave or a dongle on a dog. Including those without any ‘˜uniform’ markings. I saw an utterly unmarked black Mercedes Vito panel van hurtling towards me on the A41 this very afternoon, with a blue light on each corner cluster, blazing away as it hooned up the Tarmac at ninety. My chum on the feds reckoned it was likely to have been an armed response vehicle. Shortly after, a nondescript Ford saloon did the same thing, 90mph towards us, four blues and woo-woos as well. A forgettable looking car in a boring colour I have even forgotten, but it was TANKING. I am so glad I was going the other way.
I have been out road testing with this and can tell you that an ambulance was spotted before it was showing blues or sirens audible and we were able to choose more carefully where to climb up a lamp post to get out of the way! It works.

This directly from the Facebook page of the product and I have an example to try:
‘DON’T BE SURPRISED! Get a real-time warning for marked and unmarked police cars, ambulances and fire trucks. Now available in the UK! Mission: Warning drivers in time for approaching emergency vehicles. Description: Target Blu Eye is a worldwide patented traffic safety system that warns you in advance for approaching emergency service vehicles. Even if such a vehicle is not using its siren and flashing lights. Target Blu Eye is based on TETRA technology (in the UK called the Airwave Network) which is widely used for the communication between different emergency services. Due to this highly advanced technology, Target Blu Eye is able to warn you in advance for: police cars (marked and unmarked cars), police motorcycles, ambulances and fire trucks.’
And here is that Facebook page to get at them Facebook Link
It’s a serious investment of around a grand plus fitting but for those who want itworth every penny.