Thursday, January 30, 2025
Car AudioNews

The ROCKFORD FILES! The Fosgate ones

Very few car audio brands inspire me to call old friends ‘Thrice Bastard’ or make their followers feel moved to inscribe their allegiance upon their very bodies via tattoos from at least a decade before tattoo body art became mainstream. Yes, I refer to the American Legend that is Rockford Fosgate car audio. Long of the UK with Path group in years gone back and recently sold here with a distributor who never invested ad revenue in you lot as in readers of magazines on line or in print. It is now to be re-introduced into the UK with some real clout behind it.
For the new UK distributor for Rockford Fosgate car audio is Car Audio Security. The outfit that houses a sound off each year and distributes an array of other top brands, each with their own niche audience, as well as the cult Clifford car security line. They are going to get some of everything, so the entire range shall be available not cherry picked the lot. With stock already available to purchase now I gather and more stuff arriving next month.
Sexy new Oomph in a box.

CAS are having a flex. Their buying power, their large lead-lined underground warehousing guarded by three-headed dogs, together with their existing distribution channels, means that Car Audio & Security are looking to rebuild the Rockford-Fosgate brand and get it back up to where it aughta be. They certainly have the poshest showroom in the UK to show it off in.
Like BoomZilla’s fist.

And further putting some wedge where their mouth is (and not done for far too long here in Blighty) CAS will be building a high-end demo vehicle which will be ready for the show season next year. Their urge is simple. They want no they feel Rockford DESERVES to get back to its glory days.
Neil Kelly, RF-tattooed and Rockford USA-trained. B’stard! He went to Spring Break, B’stard! And there was another reason I called him it in the same article. He never let me forget.

And to that end, they are starting off with the exact reverse of what started the change in fortunes of Rockford all those years ago with the guys who made it big here in the first place. The Path group guys made their chief tech Akbar Shirazy (who was cast as The Boffin in the original BoomZilla cartoon strips) redundant. The opposite means CAS are investing into real training to bring UK dealers up to speed. So those who contact the CAS trade sales team on 0208 569 1543 can get involved and get some of their tech love, for those trainings are vital. There will be demo-car discounts for dealers also, if they make their own demonstration cars as well, which is all good.

If you are a fan and want to know more, there are 12 pages of it here: Car Audio Security
And if you have read thus far and REALLY wanna go get Rockfordedcheck the sexyful USA website here: Rockford

We will be all over these guys like a rash as it has really itched badly between my shoulder blades in recent years, like one you cannot reach, as I wanted so bad to get sent their stuff to play with and review once moreand we shall. So watch this space.