Friday, March 7, 2025

This Week

Sees the first group of Six by Nines published and the next set tried and ready to write up. There are just five more pairs tested so far, as the Ground Zeroes arrived trashed and there are some Fusion PowerPlant jobs to add in too – so I’ll go add a small edit and make the group 13 in all. (Not superstitious…)
Like the Kenwoods, the G-Zs had been out to another reviewer before me but unlike the Kennys that Fast Car had, they had got damaged by another ‘tester’. Yet no one admitted it to the suppliers and so they were not checked as it was assumed they’d come home in one piece. Thus, they got sent out to me ready-hurt.
It’s to do with the old, ‘one of the following statements is a lie’ conundrum: “I work with loudspeakers but I have never put a screwdriver through one.” One had been tweeter-dented and edge ripped with a slipped fist. I am to get another pair.
I’ll admit that damage to another example in the group, from RE was entirely my fault and thank the distributor for both not minding and also still joining in with the effort to get my corpulent self off to Vegas for the Winter Consumer Electronics show. The biggest on Earth, it has the equivalent of three Earls’ Courts just for In Vehicle Electronics as it is called this year. I’m looking forward to reporting directly from ‘Vegas right to the front page of Talk Audio Magazine.
In the meanwhile, as well as the reviews, there’s a write up about the Huets open evening to be penned. They had me pop along to do the raffle and be MC for the evening. They seem to attract lots of female ice fans and all the most keen in the area, with lots of demo cars present with both partners.
The Rayner Grotto is now complete and has over a thousand lamps and lots of baubles. Lots of reviews to write up and a video to go make, so I’ll crack on.
Hope your remaining Christmas shopping won’t be too stressful.
Adam Rayner – Online Editor