Monday, March 10, 2025
Car Audio

Ultimate Street Car 2011

Santa Pod was one of the very first places I ever found out about to do with car action when I was a kid. We moved house and had a flash Irish builder called Liam who was fixing up our new gaff and he had a Jag and a radio-phone in it, back when it was mind-bendingly expensive to have a phone in your car all operator and radio and big power.
Liam told me about the drag racing and as I was so wide eyed and gripped, he actually gave me a scrap of paper with directions on how to find this mythical place he called ‘The Pod’.
I was thirteen.

Of course, now, I am an Old Hand. I’ve been there as a soi-disant ‘˜VIP’ and had a sausage roll in the hospitality suite ( a Portakabin at the time) by the start line and I’ve worked as presenter for the guys at Santa Pod Raceway presenting innumerable wet tee shirt and Mister and Miss USC type shows. It was hell but someone had to do it (Buddley-dum TISH!) And this time around, I went there with the specific urge of catching up with a newly finished-to-deadline system of Hertz stuff by Highdown Car Audio.
It’s installed by newly re-entered the business dude Brad Coole. Brad was a Euro record holder for a huge SPL install (one of many) in a Sierra Estate, which he built for a distributor. He was so trusted he simply spent what he needed to and they sorted it out! The Sierra died because the bass tore the spot welds apart and it started to fall to bits and was taken off the road.

But as well as seeing the fabulous Coole-Built Low-rider called ‘Smoke & Mirrors’ (all will be revealed in its own feature) I was flabbergasted to find the latest lunacy from my favourite Sheffield Toffs, Source Sounds and will give that it’s own space as well. But here, just enjoy some of the images of lasses and videos of systems and crazy mega-DJ hook-up.

If you missed USC this year, it was a doozy

Here’s to next year being as cool!

Below, the first video we took of the whole FOUR Masters stand. I had the DJ stop and then start up on cue, which was cool of him

But I felt the first take was a bit poor as I spent too long looking inside a car with nice embroidery but caught none of the system in it! Thus I had this other go which has some good bits too. In the end, I figured the hell with it, It’s YouTube, plop ‘˜em both up and you can decide if both clips are rubbish or whether they make you smile.

These lasses were flinging out lanyards to a happy audience more keen on watching them jiggle than catching the lanyards

The Hertz Girls were adored.