Sunday, February 23, 2025
Car Audio


So far, Talk Audio’s Facebook page has been entirely organic. The Forum boards burn still and are the single best source for information and help on matters car audio (and all sorts of other things) related, on the web. We have huge traffic. Our moderators are all stalwart fellows of great coolness and we insist that folks play nice, do not troll nor pimp and are well behaved. Furthermore, we have a warm body about 24/7, since Talk Audio is like that Galaxy in Men In Black! Our whole world, a seething mass of millions, yet a fish in a block of ice for a captive polar bear, who’s mind needs occupying. This means it is a lovely place to be, with its own community standards that are terribly British. You can use the odd rude word and very few things are in the swear filter.
Anyway, we have not got lots of FB ‘˜likes’ and in a megalomaniacal manner. WE WANT MORE! To that end, I have the USB sticks from the USA and the International CES to offer as bribes.
THE FIRST, THEN EVERY FIFTH ‘˜LIKE’ WILL GET A FREE USB STICK SENT TO THEM. (including P&P!) As well as these shown, I have a quantity of brand new 4GB sticks from SanDisk that I will include if it goes off, at every tenth ‘˜like’!
Off ya go, I will PM the swaggees!
Adamski Swagmeister.
NB Sizes and content vary up to 4GB
The Talk Audio Facebook page is HERE: link