Friday, January 31, 2025

Week Eight, I’ve a Monster at The Gate

Last week’s publication of the review of the Pioneer DEH-P8100BT with the help of a forum user has created a slew of discussion and interest. It really is a powerhouse of excellence and the stuff it can do is incredible compared to the state of things when I first got involved and university software developer pc99 really taught me some stuff that day. This week I have a drooly urge to go get at some Alpine-ness as well as getting hold of the new MVH kit from Pioneer seen in the news above this column. (Unless you are reading this as part of the blog. As I have been putting these columns onto the Talk Audio forum’s system as a reference for myself as much as anything but got an Australian enquiry from them recently!) Also, I have some more Clarion toys in The Loft of Dreams.
But something a bit emotional occurred last week and there will be a full news story up as soon as we have the pictures as the company involved just moved house over the weekend and have no internet at work yet to send me the pics (that failed to upload to Facebook over the weekend!) But it also involves Brad ‘daddy coole’ Coole (his real name, his dada is an ace match fisherman sponsored by the mighty Shimano and known as ‘Ice Coole’ in the matches he so often wins) and he is a dangerous man with results that stagger. How about a 163.9dB SPL reading at 30Hz or a 152.3dB at 20Hz? Brad did that in his old Granada that split and burst at the welds in the end! I got an impassioned plea from my mate Jez at Highdown about a Team Highdown member with a tough lot to cope with who needed sponsorship. It’s moving stuff and the guys at Midbass came through for them like hereoes. I filled up. (Actually I leaked a bit.)
So Basically, I now have two vehicles that I have ‘Svengali-ed’ this year, in the shape of Project Big Black, which has gone from merely mad to bloody crazed with Ground Zero’s help at Connects2 and my intervention and now this Team Highdown lad called Nathan Carey who is to be sponsored by Vibe Black Death with the Team Highdown posse so that Brad Coole can do his thing. The Bass Monster in Brad’s soul has been re-awakened and this bloke with Cerebral Palsy who is still happily driving, is the man who will get Brad’s and Highdown’s low end expertise…
Couple of other bits to do in other worlds as well, so as ever…

I’ll go get on then….
Adam Rayner – Online Editor