Thursday, March 6, 2025

Week Fifty-One – Have You Got Your Shopping Done?

The Bass Generator give-away seemed to be met with total incomprehension. I am a little puzzleda few folks HAVE entered but precious few which does of course raise the chances of success hugely for the folks who have bothered. I confess that while the entry about the coolness of the Vibe BlackDeath woofers and amps is more corporate, the comment on the article (as against those left on the forum Topic) about a URL of a picture of a Vibe girl doing the vertical Splits on the famous bass tunnel was hysterical. (If you know what a ‘˜Queef’ is)
I have been wrestling with snow like everyone else and frustrated by the otherwise lovely Interparcel service, which I need to send out some Christmas tokens of appreciation to my stalwarts. Suddenly, they have airline-esque security; so no liquids. But UPS will ship well-packed booze and so I go to their site…
Time-Vampire efforts later and the pogbargial cube ratio of snadger to claggerferrets having been calculated, I discover that Interparcel’s UPS-carried next day price of £5.99 has turned into £18 when bought direct! So, I’m off to get tucked up by the Royal Mail instead!
I do have a couple of bits of shopping yet to get but even the tinkling bells with thirty tunes sequenced in the box have gone up now, decs-wise. Meanwhile, I will put up a new product video today the amazingly cool JBL MS8.
Still hoping to get some more ice done this week (pun intended) but we’ll see, so as ever.
I’ll go get on then.
Adam Rayner