Friday, December 27, 2024

Week Fifty-One: In Which Talk Audio Wishes You A Very Merry Christmas!

(With apologies to the devout, no offence intended)
God rest you merry car HiFi folk,
let nothing you dismay,
remember throb’s our saviour
and boom this Christmas day.
To shake the ground and all around
and wobble baubles gay,
Oh-Oh tidings of Treble and Bass, Treble and Bass,
Oh-Oh tidings of Twelve Volt Toys and Mooooore.
So help me, I am deep into the sheer joy of Christmas, which ain’t bad for an agnostic! Look far back into history and the midwinter feast of the excess, a celebration of having stored enough food to survive the winter, was always a huge event in tribes in our hemisphere. And you can take one look and know I am a guy who loves a good feast! So, Pagan Revel or Yuletide, the tree matters to me and unlike the other folks who love Christmas lights, I like to have them in the house rather than outside where I cannot enjoy them, so the Rayner living room is always a mad grotto. I think I have used up twelve mains power sockets and have deep into four figures in bulbs and LEDs
There’s lots of stuff I have been playing with and videoing the MotorMouthII Bluetooth gismo turns out to be a clever little spud upon testing. I have a Nextbase DVD back of the seat player system that looks really good fun and dad-proof simple to use, too. I have the latest in headphones from Blaupunkt yes Blaupunkt and I have a car radio fit to blend into a classic car. I even had a go on a Audison Bit Ten processor in Chris Woods of FOUR’s Audi. (corrected after daftism!)
I have a day out delivering stuff to some business chums on Wednesday but will see how much stuff I can get at in this last week before Christmas day. In ANY case, have a lovely Christmas and may Santa bring you all you wish for. With all my love and best wishes for 2012
Adam Rayner Online Editor