Thursday, March 20, 2025

Week Five : Wherein Cool Things Are Afoot!

Sorry about not getting this super nugget of news up for last Friday but this snippet is still spandy-fresh and can be described as ‘˜previous’ as it’s not to be properly released for a few days. SCOOP! The first EMMA UK sound off will be held at the annual Car Audio & Security Open Weekend, to be held on April 28th and 29th 2012, and the whole season’s EMMA events are now sorted and will be published on EMMA uk imminently. I was called by head honcho of EMMA UK, Mr. Andrew Ackerley and asked if I knew of any London-based dealers with enough space who fancied running an event, as the season opener, usually held at posh Auto Audio in North West London, was not possible since they had a couple of major marine jobs occupying their premises for the time from now until the date needed.
Not being too sure, after thinking of a couple, I called Mr. Pioneer and he suggested Car Audio Security. I called CAS up and next thing you know, it’s all sorted! Everything that EMMA wanted, fitted in perfectly with everything CAS wanted out of their event. The sound off will be in one car park, the demo cars in the other. It’s an A team, ‘I love it when’ moment. And I’ll be there throughout to take vids and snapsand help give out the gongs. (Well, hopefully we will have better-looking assistance as well!)
On another enormously cool tip, I can reveal that an old mucker, Mark Williams has had the most wonderful thing happen to him. He’s landed one of the coolest jobs in the whole tuning styling planet! Get this, he’s a gifted Carbon Fibre fabricator (he even had contracts making odd underwater pumpy-thing housings for the Environment Agency to be used in river weir control) and he’s going to work for a Las Vegas-based company who specialise in automotive custom work and do lots of Carbon stuff. He’s promised to make me a CF bass box for ages but I was embarrassed to nick so much costly material. But as he’s off to the States, he has to dispose of a good bit of cloth andanyway, I promise I will show you the box as and when and best of all, I want to stay in touch and report from Vegas about the stuff they do. Expect more news soon.
And lastly and just maybe even cooler is the news that we are getting involved with the single most important bass head in the entire world. The Bass Mekanik. He’s the longest served and most awesome of tune. We’ve known each other for years and I even did a bit of telly with him for Pulling Power, in Miami, when I visited his home-based studio. His lows drop lower and his studio is fettled to record lower lows than anywhere else. As a result, new young bass artists are coming to him for production. So the music we are about to help make available to UK fans will be Bass Mekanik and also other players in the 21st Century Bass Scene. There will be an advert with a link to the download site and after that a sticky at the top of the bass and SPL forum board. And the best bit? You will be able to download in FLAC as well! Again, more news when we have it.
So that’s Thrice Cool, like the epithet I used on Neil Kelly, who was once sent to the USA to 1) see the Spring Break sound off, 2) be a judge and then 3) go to Rockford-Fosgate car audio School. I called him thrice B*****d
Adam Rayner Online Editor