Thursday, October 24, 2024

Week Forty-Five: In Which A Woofer A Day Will Keep The Doctor Away

My Big BadaBoom all-formats bass contest idea seems to have split the husk of the seed and a cheeky root is poking out. Like a Hempseed bait for Roach fishes! The Triumvirate of Boom, who are Darren Millard of dB Drag, Andrew Ackerley of the European Mobile Multimedia Association and Marcos Barnes of the insane Propper Droppers format (listed in order of their format’s age) are all behind the idea and my chosen promoter likes the UK Bass King 2012 title concept as well. Be lovely to hear what you think, below. Plus I have a Fusion Lanyard and a couple of Alpine watches (left over from non-sent SAE peeps who ‘˜won ‘˜ them) to give away to anyone who comments. First three will win and hell, as it’s coming up Christmas, I’ll even pay the postage and sort the envelope!
I have a cute product launch to go see this week although I have to struggle into London on the Tube, instead of just driving a couple of miles down the road to where their actual office is, to visit the London Transport Museum for the new PURE Highway DAB unit. It’s always puzzled me that ‘˜professional’ journalists are never ever considered to have enough enthusiasm to actually go visit companies where they live. These events are always in London so the ‘˜big boys’ who work in town can get there. It’ll be another one of those events where I find my self surrounded by profound ignorance and any questions I ask get me looked at like I’m a chuffing geek, (Oh, OK I am one) like when I asked Ed Vaizey the Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries at the BBC if he was going to do anything about protecting the new magical Digital Radio Tick mark from being ripped off by the Toe Rags selling Cack from under railway arches come the real DAB thrust.
And I’m going to cut this short as last week my one-year-plus pile of filing raised its ugly head as I had to go the post office thrice to pay my road tax as I couldn’t find my insurance certificate. Something had to be done But it is now sorted and normal service can be resumed. So I’ll do damnndest to really crank some bass makers this week.
My poor long suffering (and angelically patient) neighbours!
Adam Rayner Online Editor