Friday, March 7, 2025

Week Forty-Five Introducing Morel Mondays

I am a man driven profoundly by my primitive side. We all have an inner caveman but mine has no idea that this is the 21st Century. I get absurdly affected by the seasons, loving the change from Spring growth, to Summer’s ease, then Autumnal bounty, thence to the joy of a crisp British winter morning in the frost.
And I suffer dreadful atavistic or ‘˜throwback’ hunting urges, manifested in my early poaching for pheasants as a schoolboy in the woods next door to said school (really!) to the almost unslakeable need to possess and CATCH those desirous creaturesfish. I once even got in a river and stole a salmon, like a big rubbery otter.
OK, with THAT image in your poor addled mind, where the hell was I going with this? Well, the ancient urge is also alloyed with the modern, such that I have this HUGE love of the science of materials. I get excited on a deep level by the implications for the end products, of new and cool ways of making speakers in particular. The actual stuff of Stuff.
It all grew from magnets and then fishing. The idea that some stuff stuck to magnets and that some didn’t – that fishing rods made of cane, then fibreglass and then ooooh MY the awesomeness that iscarbon fibre, just made the equipment itself more and more desirable as a child. I just adore it with a deep and abiding passion for what it can do.
So I got Goosebumps when I learned of the vapour-deposited Diamond domes of the tweeters on the B&W 900 series home speakers some time back, and carbon fibre coned drivers give me pleasure, as does well, anything made of that stuff. So by the time I got to do a decent ‘˜take’ of the richly made-with Carbon fibre Lambo at Auto Audio last week on the Talk Audio Sony Handycam, I got totally over excited and made some epic ‘˜blues’.
For one, I had to go and add a second part to the video, in order to include the Alpine-ness in the front boot, (So fitting as Alpine and Lamborghini were always associated and Alpine always ran a Lamborghini demo car.) since I omitted them altogether in the first part. Then I failed to identify the Rolls Royce Wraith Fastback in the bay having its windows tinted to a very specific light smoke tint, by way of calling it a Phantom in my blither!
Anyway, I am to go and film a few cars and hopefully, some really interesting people at Auto Audio in future, so as to have a good nosey into the most well equipped and staffed car aftermarket enhancement workshop in the UK, possibly Europe and gain insights into how they do what they do Treat it as ‘˜spy’ videography inside the professional’s workshop. They even have a full spray booth and painted the Murcielago SV in my video, in that crazy ‘˜Rage’ paint.
And the videos, of cars you might give a body part to own, will be published on a Monday. Stuffed with Morel speakers, we’ll be checking them out. I’m talking Astons, Ferraris, London Taxi Cabs with cost-no-object interiors to ‘˜Match my Phantom’s cabin oh and the veneer from my Boeing jet liner’ to actual Rolls Royces and even Nissan Jukes belonging to music business producer/musicians and the odd DeLorean! Hence Morel Mondays.
The fireworks with my mama’s ashes inside were fired last night as I write this on a Monday and I can relate that the explosions were some of the most emotional waves of bass energy I ever felt. A thousand feet UP and BOOOOM! I did make a video clip of sorts but its not going to be on ‘˜public’ setting. If you’re a chum who wants to see it, PM me via any route and I’ll send the link, which I’d prefer not to be generally shared.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor