Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Week Forty- Four In Which FLAC Excites You More

Free Lossless Audio Codec turns out to be a very popular format and although Apple have been offering their Lossless codec for some time and the Meridian Audio company (so beloved of Hollywood, you KEEP seeing their HiFi on set in movies without any paid product placement being done.) have their Meridian Lossless Packing or MLP, the FLAC system has become a de-facto favourite.
So much so, that for many years the stalwarts of Talk Audio have been saying in public how much they would love to see FLAC decoding as a feature on their headunits. There are a good few bits of mainstream equipment for home use that decode FLAC and the SqueezeBox is notable, along with a bonkers Russian digital beast of a single DIN headunit called the URAL CDD as being the only real contenders in in-car FLAC. I gather that Soundstream are going to be bringing in some FLAC headunits as well. But the very thought of a major Japanese company incorporating FLAC has had a flurry of Facebook likes and replies, a few messages to my Talk Audio boards’ PM box (that have been really useful to find fellow FLAC people to help test the unit I am getting to BETA test) and a bunch of comments on the story itself. I still can’t quite reveal the maker but will soon via a news break.
Likewise, the giving away of the fifth (or sixth?) of ten £199.99 Kenwood KDC-DAB455IU single-DIN digital radios, (complete with DAB aerials) has been via direct interaction with Kenwood’s very own #Twexecutive and I’ll publish her fave and thus winning Tweet this week as well. Learn more about Kenwood’s digital radios at the Kenwood Electronics website here: kenwood
As far as digital radio is concerned, I am quietly excited to be due at the second of the big schprauncey Drive To Digital events to be held at the hub of the BBC at Broadcasting House next Monday. It’s all about the campaign to get more of us listening to digital radio in our cars. Click and refresh this page until you get DRUK’s mostly green banner appearing and then click it to see what digital radio stations you can receive were you live. The choice is awesome and if you like 80s shizzle, then Absolute 80s is the one, Neeley.
We did have a gap without the Bass Mekanik advert showing but that is back up and running. So as NO other website in the world can say, to buy FLAC music for SPL and boom cars, click the Bass Mekanik’s margin square advert to go to Bandcamp to buy Bass Mekanik Records music and for sound quality fans, go click the skyscraper tower advert from Bowers & Wilkins and join the Society of Sound for their FLAC offerings. FLAC for Boomers and HiFi fanatics Tweaks as well. Only on Talk Audio!
I really must get that album write-up done. KONTROL by Bass Mekanik if you can’t be arsed to wait for me, go on ahead and preview here: basemechanic
Adam Rayner On Line Editor