Monday, February 24, 2025

Week Forty-One Our Season Of Mellow Bassfulness!

In Germany, there is a big ‘˜thing’ made about the best white wines being from those that are made form the sweetest, most ripened grapes. Go on a German wine coach tour with the pensioners and you will get taken to tastings of greater breadth and depth than you will have credited. Starting with one so errm, ‘˜not-posh’ that you want to get rid of the contents rather than drink it, after you taste the fist sip from your colourfully painted ‘˜gift’ glass. Yet needs must. You have to drain it, as there is nowhere to empty it in the room. You get slightly drunk after four more wines and at the end, they sell LOTS of crates to the folks to take home. I did this once
Hence the wine brand, ‘Goldener Oktober’ and the German Oktoberfest’s (beery) timing. For what in central Europe in landmass terms, is still slowly cooling and predictably delightful, here in Blighty by now we have usually got great fat chilly lumps of cold air dumping on us from the North Pole and the upper latitudes of the northern oceans. We should be wearing coats and scarves by now. I am still growing green tomatoes. (Never ripened a single ruddy fruit!) And we have had no frosts. So for many, it is still ‘˜Windows Dahn!’ weather.
For the ‘˜windows down’ season was always considered to be the car audio season and while ours is extending now, because of the lovely warm climes along with this being a ‘˜Mast Year’ of amazing bountifulness in the fields, hedgerows and orchards we get a much shorter season than the American Deep South, where SAS Bazooka live. That’s Southern Audio Services, y’all. Who were the only folks to offer liquid-cooled amplifier systems with their own radiator being needed! And they invented the bass tube, with a design as yet unbettered.
So enjoy the evenings and I know the night was perfect for the Propper Dropper finals that were held at Arena Essex. I also know that Ian Pinder and Team Ice enjoyed their Belgian jaunt immediately afterwards. I nicked his post as it was so sweet!
‘Well I’m back from Belgium from the Crusaders meeting show. Gotta say it was fantastic… With my two fellow Team-Ice buddies in their cars, we all won trophies in different categories. But to top it off the show cars were awesome. The Europeans certainly do some beautiful show cars. The day was like something out of the middle of summer! So, so, hot and sunny my god it was sunny! Great people, great show, great team mates, we had a laugh and showed them how we roll. We certainly got the most crowds round our cars!!!! And I won best old Skool car, which they call Oldtimers…..’
Much hotness! OK, onwards, I really AM gonna plug stuff in
Adam Rayner On Line Editor