Thursday, January 23, 2025

Week Forty-Seven – It’s Earthquake Heaven!

Hello and welcome to the last bit of November – only four weeks of shopping time left before Christmas! But we have some cracking pressie suggestions for you in the shape of some really exciting news. The company that was once known as Earthquake Of San Francisco, now called simply Earthquake Sound, is being distributed in the UK officially by Joe Ajji of KSA Digital Solutions Limited and is our newest Site Associate.
Joe is a tech whizz with IT and also joy of joys, old analogue tape decks and has a sideline in refurbishing said iconic machines! If you fancy tunes as cool as Pulp Fiction, Joe is also your man…(TEAC X2000R Joe tells me…he has three and up for sale soon!)
The real cool item from the ICE point of view is that the iconic brand is well supported again in the UK, with some of the most weapons-grade items held in stock, like the mighty PH10000WD1, an amplifier which puts out five kilowatts on its own at one Ohm! Strap two together and you will get six kilowatts at two Ohms. And Mark Smith is getting TWO, to go with his sixteen TremorX-128 subs. (12in 8Ohm) Twenty-odd sets of the sexy VTEK-MC6 components to line his doors with and the cool MB1 Bass Doubler – a bass frequency synthesiser. Mark is also getting a brace of the EQ7000 in-dash half DIN equalisers.
We are going to get right on these electronics and review ’em immediately! If you fancy bestowing some Quakey Goodness on the loved ICE head in your life, call Joe on 01634 263786 or mail [email protected] and tell him the Fat Man told Ya!