Sunday, October 27, 2024

Week Forty-Six I Am A Blithering Nard.

We have run only very few advertisements for employment here on Talk Audio in the past. For those kinds of jobs that the very keen look for; lifers’ jobs. The kind that can change your life. It’s lovely to be able to do that. And it is one thing that I will do, for contacts in the industry even in the face of a resolute corporate reluctance to get properly involved editorially with Talk Audio! Because this is about ‘˜whole life’ importance-grade stuff. And and no matter how important I may think my world may be, just because an outfit may not get involved does not stop them being important players in general, however much that may bruise my ego! (With one notable exception, mind you.)
Armour Automotive were the very first to do this and have done so twice since. The ‘˜trouble’ is, that they are a company going places and it does not take too long in career terms before the new recruits get promoted! Which means we have to run another advert.
There are issues in working all the hours God sends. They call it work-life balance. I grew up seeing this being necessary because both my parents worked from home. There was a start and a stop time – but you always answered the phone because it could be work, it could be broadcasters. To this day if you want to hear my Full Broadcast tones, you need only telephone me on my landline with your number withheld. Bill Thomas of Max Power back then used to use Withheld Number from what was still EMAP, on purpose. Then, when I answered, all plummy-broadcasty like, with my name, in case it was The Beeb, he would take the piss mercilessly, saying, ‘Adamrayner.. AdammRaynerrr Admarayner..’ For at least twenty seconds. Bastard. Still miss him like hell since he went back to Australia.
Anyway, this last situation vacant was all organised late at night with e-mails to-ing and fro-ing when all three of us involved should have just left it until DAYTIME, when we could check minor stuff out, like, errrm telling you guys WHERE TO APPLY and like, WHO they are. Rainman Voice ‘I DEFINITELY put in the link to the American employment policy that Armour Auto use definitely’ :RainMan Voice.
Sigh, So for regular readers and those wondering where and who in hell was offering such a cool sounding opportunity in the business, I can reveal that you need to email [email protected] and mark it For Attention Of the Human Resources dept. And for the record, here is a shortened link (so it fits in my wee editorial column space on the page, while it is current) to the situation vacant. Link
Now, but by no means least, I must tell you about Caramel ‘DON’T call me ‘˜Chewy” Quin, reviewer in the Sunday colour supplements of such things as toasters and white goods. Caramel is the original gadget girl. She got in touch with me ask about the audio in her new vehicle. I have hooked her up with some Alpine goodness. A CDE-185BT and an Alpine EZi-DAB add-on unit, so she will have pretty much everything in there. There’s even a lovely antenna. Expect to see some stuff about it in the near future. Bless her, she did not have to, but I was presented with three chocolate cigars. Like obscene slightly phallic truffles, richer than Simon Cowell, made with cream and whiskey and rolled in the purest cocoa powder over the flaky black chocolate used to encapsulate the outrageous ganache inside. Caramel is a domestic goddess.
Drive carefully, enjoy your tunes, don’t get nicked.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor!