Thursday, March 6, 2025

Week Forty-Six In Which I Have Bootlegged The BBC!

There were some lovely things said to me at the Mobile Electronics News awards do on Wednesday last after my performance as Master of Ceremonies. It was a bit raucous and we had a new PA set up which meant it was harder for me to rant at them to get them to settle down but I did my best. At least this year they were spared the unedifying sight of seeing me all tears and snot-faced as they have the last two. Two years back, I did the gig scant days after my mum died and they all stood up and applauded and I got all emotional. Then last year as I went into the last award, which I thought was for Martyn ‘Ed Unit’ Williams, they cut my microphone and Ed Unit announced instead that I was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement award and again wept to an ovation. All bloody embarrassing. I did regale them with some of the career path that had got my gong last year, as I was in no fit state to make a speech but you know what? Most of the assembled didn’t care, which soon let any air escape from a puffed-up ego&;
The Digital Radio UK conference last Monday was really good. We had a lot of heavy players who had not been involved before come along (like Toyota who now have ex-Pioneer GM Mark Nash in charge of their 12V stuff, which is brilliantly hired of them!) and were educated without them really seeming to be preached to. We got an interview with James May and I snidely videoed it. It has spoilers for as yet unbroadcast James May telly material and he was NOT kidding when he said we mustn’t tell, so filming it was debateable. But they knew press were there and no-one told us NOT to! The Sony Handycam was just that!
We also met a character who may well be as popular as the insurance advert Meerkats. He is called DLove and although he claims to be pure Motown, he’s actually from Stockport and looks about fifty. A soulful dude, he told us about the upcoming stuff he’s going to be doing and wished the conference well. Again, check it out here, oh privileged readers, as this again was NOT a public-consumption snippet. (It’s a sound clip from AudioBoo)   link and he is cool as Stockport in September. Expect to hear and see a LOT more of him and you read it here first.
Lots of reviews backlogged, really will try to get at more ASAP!
Adam Rayner On Line Editor