Friday, March 14, 2025

Week Forty-Six: In Which The BadaBoom Is Green lit For GO!

Mark the date RIGHT NOW! The First weekend in June next year (2012, if you are reading this in the depths of time I always feel like Marty McFly writing notes like this!) is the slightly-later-in-the-year Modified Nationals car show. The website’s artwork is yet to be updated (well it is not until next Summer) but you can still book tickets at link and I have a slew of good reasons why you might want to.
My idea was cool, if not as unique as I might have hoped, for a chap called Antoine, known as The General in his community over on the continent has taken on the Propper Dropper format and has had the first all-three-formats big contest already, in Holland. He’s kinda Euro-Me (except that I suspect him of being better known and famouserer than I.) and has seen that we are talking about it and already pledged to bring fifteen cars from Holland to take part!
It’s all down to the Triumvirate of Boom, three aristocrats of the UK bass scene – Darren Millard of dB Drag, Andrew Ackerley of the European Mobile Multimedia Association and Marcos Barnes of the insane Propper Droppers format (listed in order of their format’s age.) And the plot is that all three bass contests are held together,(with the biggest baddest cars being put through their paces in front of the main stage), to finally end up with one winner. A sort of Bass Factor if you like, except that now I have been gonged with the Lifetime Achievement thingy, I have been told I aughta brand it with my moniker.
So get ready, announcing Adam Rayner Big BadaBOOM at The Modified Nationals! Three bass competitions; everyone who enters any contest will have entered all three and can be tested with all formats or just the one they love. But of the guys who do take part and try all three formats in the all-inclusive ticket (price yet to be set and I have yet to go hit on ‘˜The Industry’ to seek sponsorship for it, which will be used to keep this low.) one will rise victorious as the loudest and baddest of the lot and he or she (Helen Hircock if it’s a lass, no other could come close) will be crowned UK Bass King 2012 and win an embroidered jacket to wear with pride. Just how flash remains to be seen, I’d love a £300 leather with £500 worth of embroidery (what the U2 Joshua Tree tour jackets cost, I gather back in the Eighties!) but I reckon an MA1 or a decent Harrington with all three logos of the formats and details about show and their name, in their size of garment, is in order.
The wickedest bit is that the promoter is right behind this. No Limits are about to embark on this their TENTH show and I have been with them from the off, so will be getting all emo on stage at the end, as part of the ending prizes and so forth, even though I will be BadaBOOM and EMMA-based throughout the show.
OK, all very exciting for next year but back at the coalface, I managed to keep schtumm for weeks about the oncoming Express Train Of Change that has been the new, fuller-use immersion in the new software. It makes my magazine upload interface into a thing of great beauty and power and we reload faster as well as offering skins of every flavour, including Old Skool and Camp-As-A-Field-Of-Pink-Tents for the girlies amongst us of both sexes. (Although to be fair the pink skin wasn’t really bothered about girls, just our beloved Neeley.) And that’s not to mention all the clever new stuff that is there to be played with on the Forum boards.
One thing that has been sorted is the access to our community classifieds to keep it simple, pennies-cheap and user-friendly, as well as prevent dodgy trader activity. We have also added a thing called the Talk Audio Privilege Club. You can pay £12 for a year, or a tenner if you have the post-count and subsequent admission to Members Only. You garner advantages such as unlimited use of said classifieds (If like Hondaman, you are always chopping and changing, even collecting stuff as you do this as a real hobby in itself) and first dibs on the swag I do so enjoy filching off the industry to give away. I enjoy that more than swiping it for me, as I kind of swiped all I could ever wish for, ages ago (Alpine F#1 Status head with like, 5,000 miles on it, anyone?) And the buzz from a recipient’s delight is succour to my soul. Like this.
But don’t worry, Talk Audio remains free to all and the Privilege Club is great VFM if you are a keen user and want massive gallery space and so forth, yet means no difference whatsoever to the experience if you don’t join. It’s an extra, not a lite-versus thing to change our very nature.
Right, I’m off to finally wrestle with the HUGELY MEATY Fusion CS-AW1120
Adam Rayner Online Editor