Sunday, October 6, 2024

Week Forty-Three I Gotta NiPod, Lucky Me

Feeling in need of a cheer up and finding myself in the midst of the best Temple to Retail in the whole nation Bluewater Shopping Centre, I first went to a cool learning centre that rents out PC’s to folks and did some work then I went to the Apple Shop!
There, after getting truly inspired by the JL Audio Unleash Your Music Tour I had attended the previous week, I first asked some really gnarly display-tech based questions of the staff, so as to see if I could unwinkle their geek and yes, after a brief fielding of questions by the ‘˜pretty’ staff, they wheeled out the bearded one. I got a call on my BlackBerry about funeral arrangements and had to leave the shop to take it, just as Geek-Boy made a joke about ‘˜not being able to take a call on one of those in here’. Poor love, I think he thought I believed him! But I went right back in and bought an iPod touch of big-assed storage. Apple Lossless for me!
Of course now I can scroll rude messages at my wife, barcode-read boxes of tissues and BD discs, squeak like a cat on Helium and have a cool spirit level. I also have UP! and Star Trek on digital copy on it Hancock would go in the iPod as it is from the Sony/PSP camp muh!
Playing with the Clarion NX700 but need a £46 extra wire to see the iPod movies, so I have asked for one. LOTS of older stuff going live on the site as I get to it so do go look at some of the older stuff again. I do have to fix up the galleries of pictures but we are still labouring.
So, as ever, I’ll go get on then.
Adam Rayner