Monday, February 24, 2025

Week Forty-Two In Which I Shall Be Doing Much Filming.

Hey, I DID plug stuff in and also got a grip of a couple of long termer reviews one yet to publish. One of these was from a happy contributor who kinda went all quiet on me. I am worried that he might have had some awful thing befall him during his pursuit of that adrenaline rush. For yes, named after the dependence upon that adrenaline fix, the JVC ADIXXION GCA-X1 has been well and truly tested by our nutter Simon King and OH MY WORD has he ever produced a showreel from heck! I want to see more on-the-motorcycle but the stuff on the roller coaster in the front carriage is pretty darn amazing.
The other is a review from a writer who sells words to way posher publications than I have generally mustered, as their monster circulations are those of the glossy supplemental magazines in with the Sunday papers. That is from Caramel Quin who is a time-served professional and did a ‘monkey-see-monkey-do’ perfect job of reviewing both the Kenwood KDC-BT47SD but also a really good handle upon the excellence in approach used by the chaps at link in that the format fitted exactly. Offered up with a ‘˜Nutshell’ summation at the top and the scores, with details. Anyway, along with the JVC KD-R541, it is a start.
Caramel is a legendary tech writer and you can follow her blog here: link
This week, I am going to see the man that made me join the exalted elite that is a ‘YouTube Partner!’ This means that on the very few videos that I monetise, some have actually earned some pennies and after a long while of my doing nothing, the Google thing has been accruing and I got just about enough for a weeks (light, carefully-spent) groceries bill. I am SO proud of those few quid. But really, it was Chris Bennet! For the one video called ‘JL Audio Bass Boxes & Why They Are Cool’ got more clickies and made me pay attention. But hilariously, the comments are all about how cool Chris is and what a Fruitcake I come across as! I was making the clip and did have to frame and direct it but yes, Bennet-san is my star and we have a day’s filming lined up for Wednesday. We are going to do all sorts of JL audio stuff after putting the world to rights the night before, over a bit of fresh local fish!
And on Thursday, I am going to a place that fits stuff to cars as sexy as Ferrari Enzos to do some more filming. And yes, they have done three of them before and also do some awesome marine work. In addition, they also run the UK operation for Morel speakers for cars in the UK and are Talk Audio Site Associates. I am going to have a look at their new speakers. Virtus is their name
I want to get that Adixxion piece sorted too.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor