Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week Fourteen It’s a New Day, A New Dawn

And these two dudes are feeling good! Regular readers may have seen back on Feb 6th, a life changing job opportunity. (It was here: Link) I was sad to see an old mate leaving Alpine but at the same time, was delighted to offer someone the chance to find out about one of those all-too-rarely-seen genuinely fabulous jobs going begging for the right person. In fact it turned out it was TWO jobs and I did make a cock-up. I broke the news that Ashley Booth had landed employment, the very second that Ash told me, as he was incandescent with thrilled-ness! Thing is, finding out you didn’t get the gig via social media was grotesquely cruel for the candidates that didn’t get the post, as of course, there were several, all highly qualified and Alpine’s executives had to pick
Funny, I never saw it from that side before.
Thus, a genuinely heartfelt apology is offered personally to those involved, from the professionals to the above mentioned. It was a great story but I never mean to upset anyone. It all came from being thrilled for Ashley because it was Alpine. (Ash’s name, incidentally, tops today’s Facebook lists of names of those most likely to be bonkers on the girls’ side being American, of course.)
Anyway, to quote the man: ‘Day ONE of new career ‘” feeling determined at Alpine Electronics of UK Ltd.’ It is the last day of the Financial Year and the first day of a new job for a bloke called Mitch Pirie, too, who was the bloke who landed the second post in the department. I gather he doesn’t score as high on Axis 1 of the ETC Game* (I think an FB page is required) and yet big on the second two. Mitch has worked in ICE – installation as well – and done some high level grown-up customer liaison work in another bit of the automotive industry before, so was perfect for the job. Talk Audio welcomes them both into the Alpine Family and hopes to see them grow the UK stick-of-rock, letters-through, Alpine heart and soul we so enjoy.
*And the ETC Game is simple and I observed the reality via meeting a LOT of famous music people in the Eighties and ALL sorts of lister-types of famous ‘˜celebrities’ growing up. It is called, EGO, TALENT, CHARISMA or ETC, for short. Code-named the Etcetera Game.
For Ego and Talent and Charisma exist within people, yet the out-of-ten scores for the amounts of each have NOTHING to do with each other. Hence Prince; 10/10/10 and a bit dislikeable. Ashley Booth has an healthy Bass Ego, Lots of Talent and a healthy slice of Charisma. Mitch I don’t know apart from him being a bit more self-effacing than Ash.. hence lower on axis 1!
Hmmm? Ego/Talent/Charismaanyone dare to offer me my scores? (ouch, this’ll hurtLOL)
Adam Rayner On Line Editor