Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Week Fourteen Wherein The Man From Matrix Came to Visit

Regular readers will know that my loft is known as The Loft Of Dreams. I have a sample of all sorts of things from all sorts of people and whenever I get a person from any one company up there, they inevitably want to have a fossick and look at the other stuff I have. The problem I have is only sometimes, with getting stuff back to the rightful owner under the ‘˜Meus et Teus’ rule. Which cites that unless it’s gifted, for swag to you guys or to me to endorse, it goes back home where it came from. A simple rule but one that has kept me in good odour with the folks who’s stock in trade it is down the years.
As such, my loft is often seen as a good Known Secure location for stock and when it comes to stock taking time, I do get the odd call asking if I have a certain thing. While it is horrid getting letters from credit control departments, it is the companies that keep tight rein on what they have out at any one time that avoid the embarrassing calls. The ones where they think you may still have an item but it has been returned. The Meus et Teus rule works there, too as if its’ gone, it’s gone back as the swagged items are so few by comparison to throughput,
And the record holder, the Gold Medal for sheer negligence/utter trust/forgetfulness goes to Dave Wilkins who once had some US Amps stuff here for, I think it was three and a half years
So I have known Dave an awful long time. He is an audio lifer, with the same sick strain of mobile audio in his veins, the poor sod. It’s an extreme case but I think he may have found some resolution. For these days, he has some really happening brands, with awesome back up and massive success on all fields of sound off endeavour to feed his condition. This is DC Audio and Sundown for the SPL nutters and Hybrid Audio Technologies (HAT) and DLS for the sound quality hounds. Anyway, he popped over last week to leave me some samples and supply me with a couple of news stories, so I’ll get on with them.
I have a meeting this week with the promoters of Modified Nationals and also the Three Wise Men of Bass, who are Don Ackerly, Don Millard and Don Barnes, who between them run all the numbers, coast to coast. The three bass formats of EMMA SPL, dB Drag and Propper Droppers are all gonna have a sit-down and the result? Adam Rayner’s Big BadaBoom @ The Modified Nationals and one bass head will be crowned BASS KING UK 2012.
All that and some cleverly timely play with the Parrot Asteroid. Has the dongle been done away with? Hell, I’m paying for a another month of it, so I’ll try it versus my BlackBerry, which as of very recently, can now be used to supply 3G fodder to the deck’s displays and output. I gather it’s less ‘˜clunky’. We’ll find out.
And Gadget Show Live is coming up fast. I’m booked with Alpine, Kenwood and Pioneer, more stuff as I know who will be there.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor