Saturday, March 15, 2025

Week Nine : Wherein Mister Pioneer tantalises us with The Future

One of the nicer things about the Celebrity Culture in the UK, as against the USA has to do with our land use. In the same way that Barbados has the highest literacy rate in the world, due to cultural values and the fact that the island is too small to have easy places to run off and play truant in, like woods and commons and moors. Likewise in the UK, we all expect to see the odd celebrity now and again, due to the sheer likelihood of it, as they cannot hide. ‘˜Everybody gotta be somewhere’, especially Tesco’s at Borehamwood, Herts, which is where you shop after work if you film at Elstree studios, where they make East Enders and pop shows. In the USA, people go utterly weird in the presence of famous people as it happens less to individuals. (excepting Tinseltown and Sin City) I saw it happen to Xzibit at the CES, so long ago that I hadn’t yet seen him on Pimp My Ride, as I didn’t have satellite nor cable. The massive X in sparklers around his neck wasn’t Austrian crystal for Essex birds’ Lamborghini number plates. They were Diamonds.
And while one has utter respect for the global car audio aristocracy, like Pioneer, it’s lovely that Talk Audio’s bustling forum users do now feel they can address the top people at the big companies directly by giving me a friendly slap on the shoulder and a shove to do it for them. I have had questions addressed directly to Blaupunkt, Clarion, Alpine and JL Audio recently and had answers back from questions asked of Japanese engineers. I have the ear of them all. I am the Dean Piper of Car Audio. Friend of the stars
There’s always been an especially good flow of direct interaction from Girish Janday at Pioneer. It isn’t always or only him supplying answers on the forum through me, so I tend to refer to each executive as Mrin this case, Pioneer in responses to forum questions.
And the thread here: link is all about this sexy beast’s European iteration’s arrival date. linkThey are justifiably salivating, (as am I meanwhile TA is like having a whole ‘˜Netful of spies, for which I thank you all) yet after all the nagging, all I really learned was that our chap did in fact have design input into the product and that he has seen it at Pioneer. He wouldn’t give me a European date nor UK date and left me dangling when I asked for more. But I could tell he was as happy as a puppy at the interest and I quietly believe, from the repressed delight he was holding back, that it’ll be a deeply desirable and up to date item.
I have been messing around with the Parrot Asteroid and festooned it up with SD, four different USB beans/sticks and a big old iPlop, an analogue output Sony MP3 player plus a GPS doodad and am going to plug in a 3G dongle-plonker. More to follow
I signed up for Gadget Show Live Professional todaythe TV show is going global next year. Nice work, if you can get it
Oh yes, I also did some new videos as well, which will be up soon, if you are reading this oven-fresh JBL MS62C and GZCF7104SPL look on ‘˜Presenterbloke’ on YouTube or see Talk Audio TV under ‘˜products’.
Adam Rayner Online Editor