Friday, January 31, 2025

Week Seventeen – Danielle’s The Petrol-Heads’ Queen!

OK, so who recognised the lovely Danielle Christie from TV’s The Garage on the front page video cover shot? It was she who quipped, “Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!” and has fans all over the world, including a whole load in Australia – so many they shipped her Down Under to compere at a big car show. I have once been flown to Scotland and once to Northern Ireland to do it but then I’m not nearly as cute as she is.
Last week saw me go to the London Book fair at a slightly volcano-denuded Earls Court where I videoed a little clip for the Sony Touch edition Reader. It shows me presenting same to the Old Bag Extraordinaire (thass’ what she says the OBE stands for) with 28 of her titles upon it. There are 44 online in the ‘States and the rest will be available on UK sites soon. It was as a direct result of my involvement with Sony.  This is the first time that my career in electronics has really impinged upon my folks, as my Pa, at way past eighty is not past it yet and cut a new electronic publishing deal for dozens of Mama’s books and they also signed the contract for a new one (paper and e-book) at the fair. It’s from the series of Dr. George Barnabus sleuths and means for the first time in seven years, there’s new Claire Rayner material being written. In some odd way Talk Audio can take responsibility for all that and I’m frankly a bit emotional about the whole thing.
I do have a review backlog and will be getting jiggy with it directly, so as ever…..
I’ll go get on, then.
Adam Rayner – Online Editor