Monday, February 24, 2025

Week Seventeen Last Chance to Win An Install!

Finally got the review of the Kenwood FLAC equipped KMM-257 mechless headunit up and I awarded it the nearly always controversial State Of the Art Award. This is damn hard to get as Value For Money is always part of the equation and the best reference equipment, needs must cost an arm and a leg. Sometimes, like the Vibe Bass Generator, it is because it is a class of one unit. And slightly so in this case, as there are no other FLAC playing units. And no-one has objected at all to this one!
I have a deliciously old-skool CD-changer-esque digital what nottery from Kenwood here to give to Switchy, (he has been waiting weeks and weeks) that needs an old skool headunit to run it. That is called a KHD-C710 or more simply ‘Music Keg’ and runs on its own Phatnoise music library software. Damn thing got crushed as a product and concept by an Apple, though. Never did get to use it and they just gave it to me. Now, it has a retro user! Anyway, think I might unearth a headunit that’ll run it, this week, for him. We’ll follow that through as Switchy has a big old FLAC music library.
The Huets Ice Night is tomorrow, with yours truly as compere. And in a twist which is hysterically low-ego of me, I quite omitted to put that fact in the er, actual news piece that you will find alongside this if you read this in the week of publication. And I have a really tasty nugget now&;
For there is one last push for entrants for the Win An Install! competition run by Andrew Ackerley for EMMA UK, with a slew of well-selected sponsors supplying the equipment to do just that. Yes, a WHOLE car audio install from sound deadening to woofers, with Car Radio Skipton’s UK-leading top sound-off winning superstar installers, doing the job LIVE in front of the crowds. and working on, long after they leave, all Saturday night, I would warrant, to complete the car DURING THE SHOW! Yes, I do shout at these events, get all excited&;
But this is one PHAT prize and more awesome than anything I ever saw in the history of UK ice, so for gosh sake’s GET IN!
And get this, I have been given the red tasty maraschino cherry, AND a dollop of whipped cream off the top of this confection! For the Fat Man – yes my own self, will get to call some lucky mucker and tell them LIVE on camera, unedited, that they are the WINNER! What will happen is first, I shall make a clip of us telling how it works, with Roo from EMMA on the phone (done that just now..) then we make one of the number cruncher choosing a winner and then, we call the winner up.
You need to be able to get your phone and answer it. May the first, Wednesday between midday and one pm and we will record the call.. It’s kinda online video-radio. So if you do win after reading this, you are allowed to holler and hoot and shout and cry and even snot everywhere, but please don’t say ‘fuck’ on YouTube, OK?
Right, due to a mad worksplosion, I am horribly behind with a Sony review, so as everwill go for, I&;
Must get on&;.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor