Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Week Six : Wherein Most Of Us Have Been Snowed Upon.

Simon Breach ‘˜Of The Peace’ used to amuse the crowd during flat spots in the Mean Street Cruise he ran and I commentated, by bringing his mate Sheiky’s M5 out and doing figure of eight reverse doughnuts while standing up out of the window and waving, with huge clouds of smoke billowing out from underneath the car. When it snowed in the daytime a few years back, he called me up and told me, in sepulchral voice, ‘DON’T GO OUT!’ yet I had to, to rescue my wife from her office. In so doing, I slid a little in my Volvo in the driveway and made a little bruise on the plastic bumper and knocked a single-course brick wall down that I had to pay to get fixed after the thaw.
So snow really gives me the willies these days and makes me hanker for a 4×4 version of my car, it’s just that I have heard poor reliability stuff about Volvo and 4×4 transmissions, with lots of those on the second hand market having had their extra set of prop shafts removed to revert to two wheel drive
So I do truly hope the snow hasn’t caused you too much grief we had a minor plumbing issue with a jammed ball valve in the loft and had the overflow frozen, water would have come through the ceiling. So I had an eventful weekend!
I’m hearing about some awesome systems being built and lots of events are starting to get announced and booked up. I do feel that the Talk Audio Calendar would be a good thing if we all used it to put events upon it. I will check to see if more than one entry can be made per day as we often have clashes with shows in the summer weekends and we need to be able to make best choice of where to spend our precious petrol money.
On the hardware front, I will get at the NextBase super-portable DVD kit and hopefully the new range of Blaupunkt Headphones that I have here yes headphones. And you know what, take one look and they look ‘˜right’ not a case of ‘what in heck are they doing?’ as after all, Blaupunkt have been working in multimedia for ever and headphones have always been part of the offering with their screen products and coach audio.
I am a mass of achyness after clearing a pathetically small amount of snow yesterday, so I am going to have a little hot soak before getting on with stuff..
Adam Rayner Online Editor