Thursday, March 6, 2025

Week Sixteen: In which I Swag Some Fanny Wang Cans!

What a pleasant and entertaining time I had at the Gadget Show Live Professional day last week! It was lovely to be there all posh without the seething masses of the public that the show was actually laid on for and best of all, I got greeted warmly by the guys at Sony and was shown their newest Bravia product, an Internet-equipped TV. As well as that, there was a box to add to your TV just to add the Internet stuff. It was applied to a Trinitron TV set made in the Seventies for a really retro-cool demo. Somehow, it reminded me of that bit in Pixar’s Wall-E, when we see the hero watching a VHS video of an old Michael Crawford musical movie, on the screen of an iPod, enlarged by a big flat Fresnel lens.
I love techno humour.
Which is also why I do so like the Fanny Wang Headphone company! Their branding is hysterical and their marketing is handled by silken tongued Irishmen (and women) and the product is worthy in more than one direction review coming soon, with the set I got stumped! (Mind you semantically , the ‘˜Fanny’ word merely means the colloquial equivalent of ‘˜arse’ in American English so is funnier over here than the Californians ever intended, perhaps.)
This is a short week, with the deliciously pagan-overtoned Moveable Feast a-coming (eat a chocolate fertility symbol, anyone?)and tomorrow I am off to cop a faceful of an array of kit from Bowers & Wilkins, which is always a good day, professionally.
I am a bit behind again, with so much going on, but I can tell you that there are going to be some really cool and fun items coming up for testing this season, like the Android headunit from Parrot and the iPhone-eating Oxygen headunit from Armour Automotive, who have secured the UK distribution. I am kicking myself badly, too. I seem to have mislaid an SD card, as I recall taking videos of various things at the MEN Expo and have wasted at least an hour or two looking for them, fruitlessly. One of them was a demo of the O2 headunit as well.
Work will get me through this
Adam Rayner – Online Editor