Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Week Sixteen – Wherein My Third Windscreen Is Replaced

I guess I just thrust my old Volvo’s snout into the world a bit too rapidly in general. For when I pick up a ‘˜POK!’ of a flying stone, it is always going that bit faster than most upon impact. Thus, while I am nowhere near the speed-glaze lunacy of a sandblasted windscreen you can no longer see through properly after six months of 160mph Expressway fun in Japan, (like the GT-R driving Midnights) I do get a sparkly effect when it is clean from all the 100mph grit impacts.
But that sound had the familiar note of the surface being penetrated and although I was deeply relieved at the time to see that the screen hadn’t cracked or taken damage, I hadn’t realised it was behind the sucker of my Road Angel speed trap locator’s mount. And the next warm day the crack appeared and has been extending along the screen inch by inch ever since. It was two feet across the screen and going back downward towards the binnacle when the chap came today and replaced it in record time. I think it’s my fifth piece of glass from them. And I managed to avoid singing to the poor sod this time, as well. ‘Autoglass RepairrrrrAutoglass Reeplaceeeee!’ Cheers Guys!
I had a fabby time at Gadget Show Live and the report is below. I had a lovely conflab with the chaps at Parrot and a good chat with the gentlemen from Kenwood too, who are freshly onboard Talk Audio again. What is especially sweet is that Paul Freedman, ASM with Kenwood was working just opposite the Parrot AR Drone 2.0 aviary where his wife Bradina would have been working had she not left her post in marketing with Parrot for her maternity leave the very day before the show started! Baby Noah arrived on the Saturday morning of GSL at around 10:30. Mother and Dude and dad all tired but doing well. Talk Audio wants to join in welcoming you to The World, small Noah! With techies for parents of the calibre of yours, the world will be your lobster mate!
I ran out of week again since all these Easter Bank Hols took some time out so shall get onto the Asteroid right away it’s just the write up, the work has been done and it is one beast of a digital juke box.
I’ll go get on then;
Adam Rayner On Line Editor