Sunday, March 9, 2025

Week Sixteen Why I Am Eating Humble Pie With No Custard

There is wrong, there is incorrect and then there is self-opinionated ignorant bollocksaaand I Adam Rayner have been guilty of all three this last week. Plus, I have been forced to revise a misconception about a fellow
Right, well, I was and am on the Gadget Show Live’s database thrice. But that is irrelevant and the ONLY thing I got right last week. Here’s the wrong stuff: ONE. JVC did not exhibit at the showso I am an idiot for not checking. The bit about, ‘the NEC’s new lack of a hot meal catering’ was SOIB as said above, for the NEC have revamped all their catering. I just never found the bit I liked, last year. And yes, they may call it fine dining (which did make me chuckle and made MeJulie retort an off colour remark about geography and sophistication that I simply cannot repeat) but I still got my now traditional GSL meal of a curry, rice, popadum and a little baby nan bread! Well, I always get up and steam off up the M1 breakfastless, which is fine. I have got plenty built in to get the fires burning with.
TWO. Parking is now £12, not a tenner, although my walk to the bus stop was brief and there was literally no delay for me at each end of my day. THREE: There was plenty to entertain a mobile media nut. I saw and their magical new super-sucky-sticky-licky pads. That’s tech-speak for an advance in materials science that has created a sticky plastic the likes of which mean a mount can be made to mount a sat-nav on a damn knobbly basketball! Then there was the hilariously brilliant mount that sticks its tongue in your CD player’s mouth on the first date. Cheeky beggar. I bought mine, after making the video clip.
THREE. It was awesome business to go to the show, because there was a SECRET project involving Alpine, Jason Bradbury himself, and a DeLorean motor car. I was on it like a bonnet after having had Mitch Pirie and Ash Booth of Alpine tip me the nod and arrange for tickets for entry to be left in the right place. A BIG thanks to the lads and I shall embed the videos into a short report today.
Unreserved apologies offered for a true slice of grumpy gittery!
On the forwards and upwards tip, EMMA had a judges meet/training on the same day and the first round of the UK EMMA Sound Off series is to be at CAS next week – another news item, I reckon!
Oh, and my misconception was Jason. He’d been bit vigorous with someone videoing the bit we did in the car park in Stratford with Iceman that time, last time I met him. Telling them off and insisting they put none of it on the ‘˜net. After all, they care about their coverage being exclusive and they set that up. But you can see in the video, what a stalwart fellow he is. Exhausted but still chirpy. Dude
Oh and the picture is of a lass in Bass Rapture in The Punisher Hearse, belonging to my #1 Fan Pat Ryan, for no better reason than it’s awesome.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor!