Friday, January 31, 2025

Week Thirteen – That Bass Generator’s Obscene!

Wow has the first ever Perfect Ten score on TA caused some fuss! The perfectly bonkers Vibe bass generator product has divided those who don’t get it from those who do and the boomers from the tweaks. Oddly enough we have one or two boomers so ‘purist’ that they don’t care who is there to hear them and don’t want one! (Well, actually it was just one…) But it has scored a ten on everything, including amazing VFM and Ease Of Use, along with it being made far more prettily and smartly than just about any other half DIN I have ever seen, and I have seen them up to £500 worth. This one even has a slab of Aluminium on the front that is part brushed and anodised and part cut-surface and brushed.
One thing also occurred last week and that was my getting a gig at The Gadget Show Live. I have always wanted to work the show real bad and now have a chance to. If you are going to the event, be sure to come and check us out at the Pioneer HiFi Theatre, where I will be MC-ing five sessions a day covering all sorts of stuff but with a mad take-part difference as I am going to do my usual destroy-the-stage-barrier thing and leap off it to come amongst the audience to select a lucky participant to take part in the stage panel of experts, based upon their being ratted out as über-geeks by their mates. After all, in an audience in a seminar theatre at the Gadget Show Live, I may well be at risk of finding folks in said audience who are at least as well informed as my panellists and may well be happy to be involved, Or else will die of embarrassment….
I’m working for Future Publishing’s T3, HiFi Choice and Home Cinema Choice in association with Pioneer.
It is a short week with Good Friday but I will try to get at some stuff to review. I have those 6.5 inch coaxes to play with from so many brands here in The Loft of Dreams, after all.
I’ll go get on then.
Adam Rayner – Online Editor