Thursday, January 30, 2025

Week Thirty-Five – Plug It In, It Comes Alive!

You know when you have turned a bit more web techy when you can hear peoples’ brains click ‘off’ audibly on the phone as you start up enthusiastically about software package names and enhanced access and interoperability of forum board and content management systems. I am all excited about the new look we have coming from the wings and can tell you that the new forums, or rather Boards look pretty much the same structure as before but a bit clearer and will not challenge even our denser users to get a grip of. All while making life better for the magazine.
I’ve been getting a steady stream of subscribers to the Talk Audio YouTube ‘Presenterbloke’ Channel which is nice, with one person wondering how on earth I manage to run up a monstrous bass amplifier in the hallway in one video. I told him about the special but now ageing battery holding it all up. And I may even have some sexy news about the place it all begins in car audio – batteries, very soon from a major name.
Just come back from working at a show called FAST2 which if I am honest, had for too few folks show up – the London Motor Museum is a cool venue but the gig does need a groovy night time venue which will be key for the next one. The biggest crowd of the entire event was when after pondering the issue of just how to get everyone to the stage, I figured beautiful women would be the audience bait and also deserving of the swag, which was two pairs of JBL GT5 963 six by nines and a sexyful JBL GT5 1204 BR bass box courtesy of JBL Car Audio UK. I lined up the pretty ladies and the people all did come to the stage….funny that!
It’s a short week with the bank holiday and all and just to prove that I do ‘grown-up’ reviewing as well, I’m off out tomorrow to go and rub the stubbly chin while listening to a serious home theatre install for Home Cinema Choice magazine. Wish me luck.
I’ll go get on then….
Adam Rayner – Online Editor