Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week Thirty-Seven Is Summer Done In Blighty?

Amy Slade was so sweet. She waited very patiently for her feature to be ready and then saw the one shot I was worried about and told me RIGHT off on Facebook! For her mascots, both called DOMO, little blue dudes who match her car’s colour-way, were abused by me. I am afraid I bit one! Hell, I practically ate him. But then Amy saw the ‘˜slightly sorry, stroke it better’ shot in the gallery after. And the silly thing is, Spike and I did not plan this but like an old married couple who also work together, he just picked up on the chomp-toy thing and without asking or discussing it, Spike shot both the bite-it and stroke-it-better shots with nary a word! Poor love, she’s a total diamond lass.
It’s Bob Hobson’s funeral on Wednesday at West Herts Crematorium at 2pm. I’ll see you there if you are going. Full details in the story below this (if seen on the front page while current.)
In recent years I have been connected to more friends in the USA and have been more aware of the time zone differences. Way back in the 1980s when the closest thing to a smart phone was called Filofax, roadies who figured that they were Mr. Worldwide, would have the time zone map in their Filofax. I had one, I still do. It was pure pretension. Hilariously, I now use it now again just because I’m middle-aged!
We’ve always referred to the Windows Down zone or season. And that’s not the ‘˜Royal We’. I learned that when I was in the trade. Here in the UK, according to the media we have just had the coldest summer for three years. There were some lovely sunny hot days though and for us Limeys, that’s kind of all we can hope for.
Yet in Texas and other parts US Suthen’, it is still most definitely beach weather. MUH! Heck, it’s still sunny in Monaco. Older readers may recall Steve ‘˜Scary’ Chalmers, sometime editor of Fast Car. He has been in Dubai for years now and his career is developing a treat. Scary’s now editor-in-chief at Yachts Emirates magazine and posted from a wonderful boat today, ‘Monaco to Cannes. I’ve had worse Monday mornings.’ and when I chipped in with ‘˜Wonderful!’ he said, ‘I’m doing an ICE boat next month, Adam. Or IBE, I guess.’
I’ll be honest. I am utterly puke sick with jealousy.
Steve is a bloody brilliant journalist and deserves every last shred of his success. I might add publicly, that he has also been fabulously tolerant with me! I guess it is that loose cannon effect that had Future Publishing refrain from permitting me to say that I wrote for Fast Car when broadcasting on the wireless on the BBC. Mind you, now that Fast Car is made by Crown Jules Media, as in editor Jules Truss’ own company, he has permitted me to say so and has had a couple of credits!
I think I am going to have to call my insurance company up and up the mileage on my car from 12,000 per year as I just booked it in for its first service in my ownership
Drive carefully, enjoy your tunes, don’t get nicked.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor!