Monday, March 10, 2025

Week Thirty – Six: In Which We All Had a Mad Weekend!

You know, I really, genuinely don’t have quite enough ego to be a proper Twerp or Tweeb or whatever you call someone who Tweets ‘˜properly’. Astonishing, I know but that’s because I am crap at brevity (You DON’T say! Guru) and also because of dear Talk Audio and you guys, I do get to tell you about my stuff here. I always remember to use the little buttons under the content management system to both Tweet and Facebook-post my column. (don’t ever call me a ‘˜Blogger’, sounds like a person who blocks toilets with huge turds.)
Mind you, you are not supposed just to pop links onto Facebook and Twitter Twitter accounts will get shut if that’s all they are for, so I do try. but here’s a weekend-just-gone that I aughta have tweeted about more
Seven in the morn on Saturday, I was in the studio at BBC 3CR in Luton as I was en route to a big event at Great Linford Lakes, Milton Keynes that I was covering for the Anglers Mail. The radio broadcast was about SIDs, or Senior Incompetent Drivers, whom I fear and the campaign to allow coppers to take their licences off them on the spot. I met a major soap-star-who-fishes at ‘˜The Big Fish’ and even got a video with him. Then, back from MK to truck down the M1, around the M25 and to Arena Essex to Pure Carma. The drifting event always has Marcos ‘˜Mega Heavy Bass’ Barnes’ Propper Dropper Streetbass contest running out the back in the pits on the cinders. The drift nutters always scrape about and make the air filled with dust and your car gets filthy (god help your lungs..) and so there is a strange mote-filled-air atmosphere at the event. This time, we had around fifty of Joe Ajji’s friends and relations show up as it was held in Joe’s memory. I was truly sceptical that the regulars would even be capable of a minutes’ silence but they didand it was eerie. You could hear the commentary from the distant arena, never before perceived in years! Then they bassed the ground till it shook.
It was fitting. Joe’d be impressed and moved. I was moved by how many people came, especially all those who normally wouldn’t and were up past bedtime in a place of utter madness!
Then away home M25-wards and a horrible midnight wait in a pointless queue for nothing but more cones after scooting at first. Up at sparrow’s fart again for Trax to burn across Herts & Bucks allegedly peaking at 123mph for a brief second on the A41. The road from Buckingham to Silverstone had a few cars on it and then a run of four modifieds, all whizzing and pooting and dump-valving. I overtook on the bumpy surface that left their exotic suspensions flailing and one even did me a full raised-arm wanker sign. I was so proud and they were so very startled.
So. I have Trax to write up and a slew of videos to upload and the Alpine stuff in the rig to write the reviews of. Frankly it’s like a rest to be back at my desk, writing!
Adam Rayner Online Editor