Monday, February 24, 2025

Week Thirty-Three In Which I’m Sunburned and Stimulated!

You know, a magazine lives and dies by its readership figures. It’s what gives a publication clout. Thus Max Power at the height of its powers was so vast in reach that if I coughed in approval, stuff sold in heaps! These days, folks still use my reviews to make buying decisions and I feel the responsibility as though it were my money and always put my hand on my heart. I was asked on Facebook about top VFM rear seat entertainment this week and guided the enquirer to the NextBase system. Immediately another entry said another dude had bought a set, based on my happy recommendation. Lovely!
On paper, you have the ABC and NRS to stop any potential fibbing by publishers to advertisers. ABC is Audit Bureau of Circulations and they count just exactly how many copies are sold. And the National Readership Survey who check out what’s called Hand-On-Readership. That’s The Sun on every factory canteen table, read thrice and thus sales of a million papers reached three million readers whilst my mum did their agony column. Likewise, Top Gear magazine gets to be left in waiting rooms and read a load of times. They have a massive 1.2million NRS!
And on the ‘˜net we have Google to do the counting.
Of course, when I’m on the woo to big mobile electronics companies to try to persuade them that Talk Audio is THE community-facing place for them to talk to mobile electronics fans (well, pretty much the only one, really, if you don’t count the piffling sections on other forums) I like to show off how brilliantly we Google.
For when the SEO charlatans call up to tell me how they can help us Google, I laugh and ask them to search for any recent item reviewed. They do it and then ask with incredulity how we do it? I explain it’s actual, real people and interest and they go away disconsolate. But I have been guilty of leaning back too far in relaxed smugness and in nearly two thousand words of review and tables and pictures and stuff, I had hardly named the Sony XAV-601BT at all! But in a week, after it was published way after other sites had got at it and with it having the same model number on both sides of the Atlantic It had climbed from invisibility to page four. I spoke to Guru and he gently explained that naming the item a tad more would help. So today’s delay was due to a little edit, with a few less ‘˜it’s’ and ‘˜the unit’s’ and more of the full XAV-601BT name! There, that’ll help a tad, too!
This Sunday was quite without any doubt the most bonkers event I have ever attended, full review to follow but I can just tell you that at 8:30 on a Sunday morning, if you wake a nudist camp up with bass, angry naked mothers will swarm out of the chalets, titty-naked to tell you off. It was hilarious!
The Sony MirrorLink video went well and I shall have that up soon, it does of course star the, er XAV-601BT and of course Mr Dave Berg and Mr. Rob McCullough of Sony who link both a Nokia and then a Samsung phone.
I have a slew of admin to do as well as a half-tested, half-filmed Ground Zero six inch subwoofer and I think I have the right amp a 250W dinky-wee class D monoblock to run it on. All that, as well as a gallery and some videos to upload and write about the MyMods Summer Madness show. Trouble is, some content has nipples in it, naked ones. I realise that nipples are not allowed on YouTube so shall have to be careful but does anyone object to a NWS-Labelled feature here on Talk Audio magazine?

No worse than Page three of a redtop tabloid paper, just in superb nippley colour? Chip in below.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor