Thursday, October 17, 2024

Week Thirty-Three The Week Of The CRF! (NWS?)

Older readers may recall a comic called Jasper Carrott. He brought the word ‘˜ZIT’ (for pimply spot) into the UK English usage from the vernacular American and it is now simply as much a part of our everyday, or colloquial language as any other. Rarely, some people can be aware of their millisecond’s worthy contribution to folk lore. The writers of the Monty Python Spam song, know they named the planet’s unwanted e-mail. (Even though, there are three words alone; ‘lovely’, ‘wonderful’ and ‘Spam’.)
And likewise just here for the record, while a deep bass that tickles-to-crisis was made the MOST famous by Howard Stern, the so-called ‘˜Shock Jock’ on US breakfast radio many years back, it was my chubby self that regaled the then 1.5 million-strong monthly Max Power readership of the CRF, or Clitoral Resonance Frequency. Or that Thiele-Small parameter, which in transducers, is described as its FS, or ‘˜preferred vibrating frequency’ like a ruler over a desk edge. Hold with one hand and ‘˜boing’ it and it’ll vibrate at deeper tones the more of it is hanging over the edge.
Todd Ramsey, an American working for InCar in Acton, West London, told me about his chum, the big power shake-yer-bones-and-everything-else sound system in his car and especially of the unrestrained girlfriend. She was played a bunch of test tones from a tone CD and apparently the 33Hz note was the magic figure. The rest is history and a recent video on Facebook as well as a terribly honest lass named Vicky who recorded the video I titled ‘Girl Admits 160dB REALLY Tickles’ on my Presenterbloke channel. (if I put the link here, the editorial column system puts the vid as an embed and busts the side-display!) anyway, it made me issue an appeal for a volunteer to prove this better I have had one answer so far but am yet to verify she means it! So, and in any case as we have lots of power to spare I am looking for more!
Serious log jam of head units means it might be best to cut down the length and concentrate on some verdictsmaybe even try the video review format? Would that excite? A SHORT format written AND a video embedded as a new ALL-REVIEWS feature? It’d crank the throughput up and I think that matters, so long as the conclusions are as carefully derived
What do you think? Do let me know
Adam Rayner On Line Editor