Friday, January 31, 2025

Week Three Thaw

Apologies for lateness, we normally let you know what’s going on during Monday…
Righty, ho…I have the Pioneer DEH-P8100BT to play with – the ‘best’ head unit Pioneer make before soaring off into the realms of competition units like the exalted DEH-P88RSII that we use as one of the Talk Audio Magazine reference units. (Along with the SACD-playing Sony MEX-DV1000 I have also used up a slice of this morning’s time in a meeting with my mate from Acoustic Wood. Unfortunately for TA, a massive big ticket wood panelled kitchen in France took him from us for a while! But I have a set of new test enclosures planned that will let me work faster and better with speakers from ten and twelve inch down to fours…although a test of tiny wee three inch drivers might be interesting for the promotion of some centre channel action and dts and Dolby Digital surround out there. For although available in-car for years, no-one, and I mean no-one seems to use full surround in their cars, which is daft IMHO! But then you do have to be a geek and have collected some 5.1 channel music as apart from the odd movie like Lock Stock, there are not many films that are so cool as to sound track to make it a happy listen-only experience. I’ll be using these new boxes when they come to test a slew of coaxes – promised a few weeks back
I admit I stopped part way through a write up of a new Automotive Styling screen product as I couldn’t get a picture on the screen! I am convinced it is a rig fault rather than the product…
So I called up Automotive Styling and find out first hand that they have one of the best down-the-phone technical departments in UK ICE. My problem turned out to be a fracture in my video lead! In calling them,  I learned of a new higher definition TV panel they have coming soon, too, which we’ll have to try out as well.
So as ever, better get back into it!
Adam Rayner – Online Editor