Monday, February 24, 2025

Week Twelve In Which I’ve Lost A Molar

Ooh it has been a bit of an eventful weekend as I had to go on a day trip to Norwich to report on a show for the Anglers Mail. It has more in common with reporting upon a car audio show than you might believe as it has to do with the new, engineering and solutions to problems, be they how to catch a carp or control a watt.
But I have had a nagging toothache for a few days and it turned out I needed to lose a big old wisdom tooth that was opposing nothing but was going to be history. So as I write, I have a roll of cottony gear in my gob and am twitching gently as the potent local anaesthesia wears off, having just been to have it wrenched out! AT least it woke me up early to get me out and to Norwich in time to have breakfast at the Premier Inn before I went and got at it.
On the domestic audio front, I have just had to do a quick-time home test of a set of very sexy home speakers, over seven grand’s worth, for Home Cinema Choice magazine. This was the SVS Ultra system, very big and very sexy. A whole new breed for them, as they were known for a bonkeracous tube woofer for single nerds only (it was huge, and dammned ugly!) and I so would love to get my paws on some of those 13.5in mega drivers to see how they might work in a car for you. But the set is the home cinema world’s (at least in the UK) first real taste of genuine ‘SQL’ type performance. The sort of thing we have recognised in our world for a long time.
Meanwhile, back at the in-car, I have a Fusion table set here as well to give away. I swagged it at the M.E.N. Expo.

Comprising tape dispenser, post it note rack, paperclip tray and pencil pot. I wanna see Photoshop green aliens or else full on hulk-makeup to be green in the head to swag it!
Lots of speakers and amps and stuff and heads in particular way backlogged, so I will try and get back at it&;.
Must get on&;.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor