Friday, January 31, 2025

Week Twelve – Let’s Gadgety Delve!

Wow was that Gerbil Synthesis system a doozy! I was taken off to Tockwith to visit a theatre with a £68,000 home cinema system last week with huge passive subwoofers and a clever room correction auto-EQ device. The JBL Synthesis is about delivering a result rather than a product line and you can install systems from £38k to over £200k! And their car stuff is derived from the same technologists….
So back to the car stuff, I have made some nice internal and some adapter leads to accessorise the new shiny Acoustic Wood test enclosures to make the rapid change-over of speakers in reviews the easier and will video the rig once it’s finished. I owe a show report and a product review or two but I did get the video clips uploaded to YouTube already upon my Presenterbloke channel if you want to go off to find them in the meanwhile…
And something brilliant happened today. I got a call from a terribly cool dude I have been speaking to for some time about Select Products, the best and most well thought out line of stuff for car audio installers to make their life faster (and ideally thus more profitable) and includes all the bonkers stuff like linear actuators, one inch thick Plexiglas and those weird plastic bicycle chains you need for making powerfully long motorisations, so the cables are looked after as things move. Or those microswitches, or five levels of goopiness of Cyanoacrylate ‘Super’ glue, or a million other clever items.
We are going to posh a banner above the forum for them and we are going to swag stuff to give away to you lot as well. The Big News is that for the first time in four years we are getting a visit from a Select Products Jedi, called Robert Garza. And he will be running a training day on April the 10th in deepest Kent. You can read about it and the costs here. With the amount of self-builders on TA I can see this dude being a very popular chap.
I’ll go get on then.
Adam Rayner – Online Editor