Saturday, February 22, 2025

Week Twenty-Eight In Which I Shall Hob Nob With Posh Nobs!

Never awaited the delivery of a parcel so keenly as that from Sony! For I have swagged a lovely perfect-for-YouTube ENG* set as Sony are now sponsors of Talk Audio TV. There’s the cam, a lamp, two sorts of mic, a charger, an extra mega battery and even an excellent baggie to put it all in. Portabrace eat yer heart out!
As I revealed last week, I have been invited to the rooftop terrace of the Trafalgar Hotel for next Friday lunchtime to ‘mark an unmissable summer of music and sport and a year of digital radio progress.’ As transmitters ramp up power and more radio is being broadcast for the Olympics. It turns out that I am in fact in a seriously exalted group and had better try not to look too ‘orribly scruffy for a change!
The show at Brands Hatch at the weekend had some savage competition. Modified Live had to compete with always-envied Silverstone with the F1 as well as Andy Murray making the Wimbledon finals, let alone Japfest and a slew of other car shows about the nation. It seemed that only participants and close associates had come along in spite of the weather, as we all expected it to stay horrible all day. In the event, as you saw at Silverstone on the telly, it was lovely as the day went on and we had a fabulous 43 car turn out for the sound off, complete with a collection of brand new entrants, one of whom is definitely feature worthy. I’ll get the show story and videos up as soon as possible.
As ever, more to do than time to do it in, so I’ll go get on&;.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor
*Oh and apologies, ENG is a broadcasters’ term for small, portable electronic news gathering sets of sound and camera.