Saturday, January 11, 2025

Week Twenty-Five � The Boss is on the Skive!

Well, Holiday Time seems to be upon us, with the Boss off to his private tropical island with the extended family, hence this week’s This Week being an ‘edit’ under the last date – whereas it is of course Monday the 21st of June 2010.
Right, now we have dealt with confused time travellers, isn’t it nice to discover that Digital Designs, the leaders in Weapons-Grade subwoofers are so strong in their entry level kit? I couldn’t care if the DDLE312 bass box was not made alongside its brethren within the USA, as its driver has been made with four spiders to the woofer and the rest is just peachy. It wasn’t about purity and delicacy like say, a Morel Ultimo, it was about playing slow jams and Bass CD stuff in the street. Check the review, it’s a cool tool.
Last week saw the final Guinness World Record certificates being posted out to the BassQuakers. A select group of heavy bass heads who were invited to go shake the ground at Santa Pod and measure it with an Earthquake meter – or Seismometer. We had real beardy scientists with us that October day back in 2008 and we had witnesses and risk assessments and all sorts. Best of all, we shook the sod with the same intensity as if we had detonated 300kG of high explosives some 500 metres away!
It’s one thing to break a Guinness World Record, it’s quite another to establish one and this can be repeated world-wide. I really want to get the Yanks interested. I would also like to do a re-union story at the TMeet this year if possible. So tell yer mates to come to the event and to bring their certificates – framed ideally! I’ll make a buncha calls closer to the date.
I have had some new JL Audio XD amps delivered from Celsus to try out and have some interesting toys to play with from Vibe and Clarion as well as a Ground Zero woofer driver and a whole load of other stuff. It’ll none of it go up this week but I’ll make sure there’s a chewy chunk awaiting the Guv’Nor to publish upon his return. So, as ever…
I’ll go get on, then.
Adam Rayner – Online Editor