Monday, February 24, 2025

Week Twenty-Five There’s A Deep Rumbling Underground!

Well, my national paper story that ate a tad of time last week is now like a Cuban ‘Leeetle Fren’!’ You know, the great big hench gun that makes a REALLY big bang, that Al Pacino whips out of his special cupboard at the end of Scarfarce, creating one of Hollywood’s most legendary moments and lines. Normal service is to be resumed. But oooh it’s a nasty. It was Mirror Group, as my mama used to be in the Sunday Mirror for a while after many years as the Sun’s agony aunt.
Back at car audio and our world. Despite a long silence in which I was afeared that they might have gotten cold feet OR LEARNED THE AWFUL TRUTH no, it is cool, I AM to be compere of a darn great huge Mini show. Called the IMM or International Mini Meet, on Friday 31st July, to the 3rd August at the Kent Showground.
It is held in different places around Europe, such is the popularity internationally and 2014 is Mini’s 55th Anniversary and to be celebrated in the UK, so I am deeply honoured. You can learn more about it here: link It is to be at the Kent Showground and they have even fixed up Glamping with posh duvets and tents! (I am in the hotel, though) I am looking forward to the thrill of the new and wanting to source Mini Based Humour. I will be aiming it at a BBC-Ribald level, so NOT as rude as Radio One get but I MIGHT be asking about stuff other than driving in Minis. Like making new Mini fans or before that, proposing!
There has been a recent wobble in the Force. Our mate Dave Wilkins of Sundown Audio distributors, Matrix Audio, has been the victim of an usurious disaster. As far as we can gather, Matrix Audio was shut down as a trading entity, with the possibility of it being re-opened in future as this was voluntary. Dave is looking after his punters and subwoofer recones as need be, as he has NOT gone bust. What HAS happened MUST serve as a cautionary tale for the USA product importers. The Earthquakes and Cerwin Vegas of this world. For he used a less costly method of international trading. It’s a money transfer thing and instead of the full price banks, he used a less expensive method and the company he was using to move money to buy stock have gone breasts-up. As a small hand-to-mouth operation, it was doing good but a sudden ten grand unsecured loss was crippling.
I shall keep you abreast of any news regarding the Sundown brand here, as Dave has built its UK presence into something majure. The power is intense and a lot of folks have some of it, so I do not think it is going away.
I finally caught up with Ian ‘Iceman’ Pinder and had that carnivores’ delight of a Turkish Kervan. It was meant to feed five and Ian had barely a take out box to liberate at the end! We talked about how I want to play Jazzie B the system in Ian’s BMW and also about how the buses reverb the glass walled eaterie, right under the Wood Green Shopping City underpass, at about 33Hz and at least 90dB. The whole place rumbles. But not as bad as in the Wallis’s department of the Debenhams store in Uxbridge. You can clear as day,, hear and feel the bass leaking through the very fabric of the building as the latest actioner from Tom Cruise played in the IMAX next door. ‘Groundhog Day with Robot Monsters’
Keep the eyes peeled here, as I have some Clarion UK news coming up. Definitely as cool as Jay K wasyet better looking! Stuff to do with a new promo person and a major anniversary for Clarion coming up. That and the catch-up to do…
Adam Rayner On Line Editor