Friday, March 28, 2025

Week Twenty-One: In Which Terror Bytes.

In a quite unlike-me manner, I have taken delivery of a nice shiny Terabyte HDD to keep all my stuff backed up and safe. I tend to work in a slightly bonkers fashion in that I keep all that really matters between my ears and only really need to keep a few document templates to enable me to get on with the job. And they are for my convenience, really. All my mail and finished work is safely the cloud meaning more grown-up people than me are looking after it!
Although it was good to have had all my previous stuff still safely stashed away in my machine when we did the huge software changeover recently, it’d be sillier than a silly thing to not keep a better back up than I have done. Especially as the Dell Vostro machine I have been using these last three years has really started to creak and frankly needs replacing or at least cleaning out by the Haitian and donating to wife and son for gaming and shopping purposes.
But I think I am going to need a moron-proof no-reminder bit of software to keep me up to date vis-à-vis backing up work and for that, I’ll definitely be nagging the TA Guru for his advice.
The Infinity Kappa Four channel amplifier is nearly ready to publish so that will be the next review.
I’d like to offer a warm welcome to Talk Audio to Dodo Juice. These guys are the coolest people and sell the most awesome detailing products and are going to be like a TA ice cream van around for the summer months. They have allowed me to swag some of their finest for the competitors of the EMMA sound off season. The next round of which is at the Modified Nationals. Unlike the last two years, when TA have been there to harbour a nutty vehicle and give away makers’ brochures and so forth, from under our EZ-Up on the show floor, I will be instead in the Great Outdoors as are the guys from EMMA and dB Drag Racing, with small PA and camera as ever. And I’m working for EMMA, so there’ll be less show video and more audio ones.
I’ll see you at the show I think it’s going to be a corker.
Adam Rayner – Online Editor