Saturday, February 8, 2025

Week Twenty-Six Unto The Faithful Shall Be Given!

I got the Soundstream Ref 4.400 four channel amplifier review up and yes, it IS deserving of bearing the Talk Audio Reference award. It is a serious audiophile item. It’s in the details, the speed and rise time of sounds like cymbals and struck snare drums. In life, a stone on a window you are sat behind, just gently to wake up rather than vandalise, will still startle you. Cats have awesome hearing versus us deaf humans (they use two thirds of their skull surface under less hair as collectors for those pointy ears) and the ‘˜rustle’ of paper being scrunched also has a vertical rise time, so while we are not bothered, they go spacky for it. That speed of increase from silent to ‘˜POCK’ or ‘˜scrunch’ would show as vertical on an oscilloscope if you could but measure it and is exactly the sort of signal you can use to visibly test amps or even RCA cords for rise time and thus detail and accuracy.
As far as I know, In in-car, cable makers may well sell different levels of quality but NONE go remotely as far as the guys from FOUR who sell the cables from CHORD, some of which are way beyond anything you can believe! How about Indigo at £1,000 for set of 2m RCA cords? I have been and learned about them and wrote a confused rant about them. If you enjoy a writer distressed as a career of preconceptions crumble about his ears, then check this ‘Forever in Electric String’ here: here
I got the JBL demo car video thing done and even with a HOWLING error, it worked as you can see I am fully matey with Panesar-San of Car Audio & Security and the car is cool. See that here here
And finally, I have got parcels full of goodies to distribute at the sound off at the weekend. I have gotten sponsorship from the sweet folks who gave birth to Mister Skittles The Third, a cute fluffy Dodo who is the figurehead of Dodo Juice car detailing products. I shall be taking advice from the organiser as to whom to swag the Dodo Juice packs of swag to. Also, I have some goodies here from Pioneer. As yet, I ain’t even opened the boxes, so I am not certain what we have but if you are a hardcore Pioneer sound off entrant, then I, along with Girish Janday of Pioneer will be visiting with you on the Sunday to swag yo’ ass with goodies! It’s only Monday, yet I am looking forward to the weekend for good reasons!
Still got to wrestle with some hardware, so I’ll go get on then
Adam Rayner On Line Editor