Monday, February 24, 2025

Week Twenty-Three It’s Been Propper Droppery!

Essex Arena, or is it Arena ESSEX? I’m ruddy certain that Snoop Dogg made some reference in the ‘Signs’ lyric (as sung) but it ain’t in the official lyric, as that’s ‘Wimbledon Arena’ and gets mis-named! Anyway, I was there to feel the pressure and boom and to get the good stuff to you faster. So, I have cut the word count of these features and just given you captions on better chosen and bigger galleries, since as editor, I have the power of the Disney Genie when it comes to gallery space on Talk Audio. Limitless which is how Saturday night’s show is published even before this.
My son, (nearly eighteen) is sitting his last English A level paper today, so is kinda literate. Which delights me, of course, as that makes him third generation!
Enough with the maudlin editor-abuse-of column but I do like to keep it personal in my weekly column here (and no, I still won’t call it a blog.) For as a reviewer, I have passion and share that with you guys and as a reader, what I feel you want most is a high degree of give-a-damn from the writer. You get that with me.. as well as fierce loyalty to my pals and a flaw or two to go with it! But always honest about the kit&;
It is sorting-doings-out time of year so lots of admin to do but get this, in March 2013, 121,171 different people came and saw Talk Audio boards and some may even have read my stuff on the 855,371 pages that were viewed! And yet, this morning, a Pioneer executive saw one person on the forum say they had cut a microphone wire (it was coffee break and he was ‘working’) and engaged to say they would get him one, which is nice! So, TA is huge but with that directly-connected personal touch.
Like our community!
I’ll go get on then&;
Adam Rayner On Line Editor