Monday, March 10, 2025

Week Twenty-Two The Modified Nationals and HUETS’ ICE NITE SIX!

The last time I was this concerned about the lack of general feedback I tend to get on the Talk Audio Magazine, I had passed comment upon some brand I had never heard of’s amplifier. Its industrial design was aping the iPhone and I was a bit rude about it. It was about the time that Pioneer ran a press trip SEMA in Las Vegas. That is the Specialty Equipment Marketing Event. (I think – come ON -correct me! I crave the attention! lol) Pioneer were running a reward trip for sales and did not want their dealers coming home with a line of USA car audio to import of their own, to compete with sales of Pioneer stuff. I was told ‘Less of them come home as distributors if we take them to SEMA rather than the CES!’
I called Guru upon landing, to ay I was back safe. (Lies, all lies! It was to brag.. Guru.) Only to find a quiet and subdued boss on the phone to my happy babbling. He explained that we had had a ‘firestorm’ while I had been away. For you see, as I was typing the Culprit Comment, I had had an angel in bonsai upon my right shoulder, and a small Devil With Peter Newell’s Face upon my left shoulder. The Angel had gone to sleep and the Devilish one had said to go on and effing TYPE it.
I had.
That was when I learned that this stuff gets read by all sorts of terribly high up folks in the trade. So a warm greeting to all my regular readers and an apology for letting the UK Bank Holiday stop me from publishing yesterday. Fact is, I do love having a vent of spleen (My early trade column ended up being called Rayner Rants, by my then editor, Charlotte.)
Thus for the first time in like, ever, (Seven and bit years and counting, Adam. You have been here longer than you were full time with Fast Car. Guru) I am asking, could you biff the ‘˜like button’ below for me? If I go above THREE, it will be a record!
The main reason was being what a London Geezer calls Creamed. That’s Cream Crackered, for Knackered. Like Claire Rayners, for Trainers. I was tired.ButI shall try to put in the hours, for I owe you sight of the Huets the In Car Specialists’ Ice Nite Six malarkey. Again not lots of bodies bit all quality ones.
And lastly, and major league coolly, I have a new and LARGE shoot on video and stills of the Modified Nationals, to upload, size, edit and sort.I am on it
Adam Rayner On Line Editor!