Friday, March 14, 2025
Car AudioNews

Welcome to the New Look Talk Audio!!

If you are reading this, you are looking at the new Talk Audio. A year has passed since we changed from Joomla+vBulletin+adserver all sewn together, to the full Invision Power boards and CMS with integral ad system. When that was done, there was an epic effort to port the data and we had the superstars of TA, the Tefal-headed geniuses who fix and fettle the stuff in the background by night like Vampire bats of the Internet, fix it so we looked very like the old Talk Audio to avoid too big a ‘˜wrench of change’.
Now, however, we have gone full-on and the improvements will be more obvious to you, the more you use Talk Audio’s forum boards and so forth. The magazine benefits with easier access to the archive (although at time of writing we have some small bugs to still iron out. That’s the Royal ‘˜we’ as I mean Switchy and the chaps) and all sort of other bits. But the main point is, what you are looking at is the equivalent of a serious slice of cost had we been doing this in a trendy West End London agency so I would like to offer up a deep, heartfelt thank you to the clever dudes who are making it all so cool to work here and especially a Big UP to the Guru himself who leads us all
Long Live Talk Audio, the Home of the best Boomers and the most dedicated car audio tweaks on the Internet!
Adam Rayner Online Editor