Saturday, March 29, 2025

When Installers Wear Capes

Safe & Sound are a well known professional vehicle enhancement company in Essex. They have been posting some amazing pictures lately. I have no idea how they got asked to take on this commitment but I reckon it was simple merit. Because Lee and his lads have pulled off an epic effort in a ridiculously short time.

NINETY SIX brand new Ford Transit vans were purchased and sent to Safe & Sound, a fleet at a time for them to convert them from basic goods vans with wooden panels and partitions, to mobile Covid-19 test stations. On VE Day Lee posted that the last had been handed over to the military chaps running the mass testing programme. There is no better way to put it than the guv’nor did..

“So today marked the day of us completing our 96 vans for Covid 19 testing.
What better way to complete the task than on VE Day?
I’m so proud of my boys that helped me pull this off.
When we were first asked to do this at such short notice it seemed like an impossible task, but our true grit and determination came strong.
We had a visit today from two highly ranked army officers. It really hit home when they explained how many people these vans test per day.
It’s certainly an experience that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life and certainly will go down in history. Stay safe everyone”

I was moved to tears.. and the old install curiosity kicked in.

THIS is the story from the news.

“The military is to begin operating mobile coronavirus testing units which will travel to care homes, police stations and prisons across the UK. The new units will test essential workers and vulnerable people in areas where there is “significant” demand, the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) said. The mobile facilities can be set up in less than 20 minutes and allow for hundreds of people to be tested each day.

Specially-trained members of the armed forces will collect swabs at the mobile sites before they are sent to “mega-labs” for processing, with results available within 48 hours, the DHSC said. It comes as the Government seeks to hit its 100,000-a-day testing target by next Thursday. Home Secretary Priti Patel told the Downing Street daily briefing on Saturday that 28,760 tests were carried on Friday. As of Sunday, there are eight mobile units carrying out tests across the country, in areas including Salisbury, Southport and Teesside. However, the DHSC said “at least” 96 will be ready to be deployed by the start of May.”

And these are the 96.

Stand by your vans!
Dual powered cold boxes, massive sanitiser dispenser
Many vans each day, working like ants
Serious 1.5Kw AC inverter, run off the big old diesel’s battery.
Professional hand cleanse station
Racking for the quick-set-up test station stuff
Mark’s cape is short.. but it is on an installer superhero.
Adam plumbing up the sink.
Need a better immobiliser on your ride? HIRE Lee after lockdown!
Hidden behind the trim on van 96…..

I think you will agree that they are heroic to have done that much expert labour in so short a time. Their details for your needs after lockdown are